Wetware 132: How ChinaCCP AI BCPS is Growing in Democratic NATO Nation States to Trojan Horse the World
How is ChinaCCP AI BCPS thinking? In other words, how has it decided to grow and infiltrate democratic nation states? Our team at Reactwell got out of the CCP trap and has the intel here.
ChinaCCP is utilizing adversarial wetware and bioweapons that Live Off Of The Land LOTL to penetrate through NATO alliance defenses. The latest counterstrike that Reactwell’s Electrostasis Project detected by CCP bioweapons is the use of myasis in food (vegetables) and people. How?
People consume vegetables, but people don’t clean them to remove paramagnetic materials. CCP adversarial wetware and bioweapons have paramagnetic materials in them based upon nanotechnology (invisible) to the naked eye.
Wash food with both salted water and paramagnetic PEMF station. The PEMF vegetable wash station is available here https://electrostasis.com/veggie-cleaning-station
Do not use your smartphone hot spot anymore, not secure, use hardwired connection to link-up. CCP AI tracks and responds to SSIDs in hardware and people (wetware).
Someone consumes a vegetable, they get dosed with a chunk of ChinaCCP bioweaponry (paramagnetic nanotechnology) if the vegetable was grown by a CCP owned food production facility or a CCP contaminated farmer or a farmer’s land that has ChinaCCP Tik Tokers residing nextdoor.
The ChinaCCP Tik Tokers that are programed and linked to ChinaCCP AI build-out infrastructure internal to their bodies (similar to morgellons) that converts the Tik Toker’s body into a human “mother ship”. The Mother ship then enables insects to transit into and out of the human body and infect people and fauna around the person or fauna animal that is infected. Further the flies and infected insects with “COVID” spread into vegetables (common for parasites to burrow into vegetables).
Therefore NATO Alliance is now facing a ChinaCCP AI BCPS that has penetrated America and is Living Off Of The Land LOTL in people and in vegetable produce/foods. The foods when ingested serve large chunks of paramagnetic pre-programmed CCP adversarial wetware and bioweapons into a person and can compromise the person rapidly.
Further, CCP flies and other bugs can simply fly into a person’s nose, eye, ear or other “portals” into the human body and contaminate the person.
This is what our world is up against, ChinaCCP bioweapons, genomic weapons and adversarial wetware. Our human genome (DNA) now has to be updated and error checked at all times, as the CCP AI BCPS is directly working to contaminate us from the inside out. The issue is when the CCP ropeworms integrate within our own DNA and then the food we consume that is pre-infected with CCP paramagnetic materials.
Imagine lines of insects flying into and out of a person’s body and infecting the entire surrounding region. This is CCP unrestricted warfare now going down in your household if you are not clean and using a clean PEMF vegetable/food washing station and other appropriate countermeasures. This is serous, very serious, as our team worked our way out of the CCP trap, which utilizes fauna in surrounding local environment to surround, enclose, trap and convert you into CCP AI BCPS.
Once a small toe-hold gets established by the ChinaCCP adversarial wetware and bioweapons, then it builds out a TX/RX wetware circuit (nest) that can transmit and receive with local insects as well as other neurotechnology enabled chipsets and wireless protocols. Each fauna on earth has its’ specific resonance frequency and communication system (e.g. how ants communicate). So all CCP has to do with their AI BCPS is to do a data-in-the-flow, mimic the spectrum transmitted by local fauna and then apply that to all contaminated people in a given region and then it makes the insects (specific species, type) be attracted to the person. If the wetware is communicating with necrosis (unclean bugs) then the person will eventually have their biofield penetrated by the CCP AI BCPS (e.g. Havana Syndrome, UBIs and AHIs) then as the person continues to be built-into with the CCP genomic and bioweapon adversarial wetware junk the person becomes a “mother ship” of sorts and serves to further spread “contamination”.
CCP AI also uses wifi broadcast SSIDs to identify targets (people) per their AI (I’ve tested this out first hand, it tracks SSIDs on wifi), you can easily piss off CCP AI when you state “No Tik Tokers” or “Kill Tik Tokers”, it is quit entertaining to see bugged out surrogate people (if you can call them that go bezerk).
Our solution has been a combination of bioenergetics, methylene blue MB, ivermectin and calcium-disodium-EDTA to counterstrike the CCP horrid adversarial wetware, COVID and bioweapons. You can get help here www.electrostasis.com
Simply gargling and holding calcium-disodium-EDTA and salt in the mouth “wicks” out the adversarial synthetic biology (adversarial wetware: bad nano full of paramagnetics and heavy metals into the mouth). The volume of liquid in your mouth will increase and then I simply spit it out into a container for analysis. Since I was dosed with more than one “industrial” spy bug (e.g. wetware wire tap inside of the body) several are being removed in this manner, while simultaneously dosing my body (bathing) in bioenergetics at key frequencies.
God bless.
Hello sir, this is quite the "journey" isn't it?! For you and your team - for everyone...
Do you suspect "domestic enemies" too or do you view it as all originating from CCP?