Bioenergetics 124: Patterns and Forces as Keys to Unlock Health & Wellness
Everyone talks about frequencies, sunlight, lasers and physical objects such as crystals, pyramids, triangles and obelisks, but what is best way to comprehend material world objects and spectrums?
I’ve had to unplug from the conventional world to recover from an advanced new physics neuroweapon hit job that failed to kill me. On my journey reverse engineering the weapon platform, I’ve ran across so much novel tech in deep tech and hard science that I was not taught, but had to self-learn and perform literature reviews and independent study on to figure out what in the world kept hurting me, even after the original attack in 2022 where I was key-signaled through a non-kinetic-threat NKT directed energy weapon (DEW) that activated a dormant wetware (nanotechnology synthetic biology) based spy bug in my body and brain that went from covert perch mode (monitor) to attack and kill mode (e.g. conversion terrorism).
There is a silver lining to my reverse engineering that should help out a lot of humanity that finds this brief.
Here it is. Everything can be viewed as a pattern, life and material inanimate objects. Biological life, based on DNA and not XNA has a given biofield. When a biological organism gets sick or unwell it has a localized lower frequency where the pathogen resides. Doing a frequency scan can detect illness, bacteria, mold and fungus.
Synthetic biology life, has nanotechnology based mesogens: nemetic crystals, quantum dots, graphenes and associated self-replicating nanotechnology structures that grow independent of biological life and can also intertwine with biological life. Synthetic biology requires energy to grow and per Clifford’s work at Carnicom Institute, the unstructured and unhealthy synthetic biology (also known as Morgellons Disease) simply requires water, iron and a peroxide to catalyze the growth reaction.
Today on earth, we have a convergence of biological life and synthetic biology life into hybrid organisms everywhere in nature and in civilized society. The lower frequency biofilms comprised of Bacillus strains (e.g. zoonotic diseases), such as Bacillus Subtillis and Bacillus Anthrax, etc. thrive on lower frequencies and can grow within a synthetic biology plaque based system inside of your body. In order to stay clean and clear, transmitting spiked square waves at healing frequencies such as 432 Hz will destroy the biofilm lower frequency disease and cancer pre-cursor bacteria, fungus and protein plaques.
The first step is to test if you have any of the deadly slow-kill Bacillus within your body through a simple bioscan.
If you have the Bacillus and associated biofilms in your body from the local environment or from a neuroweapon, as in my case, then you can remove them by pulsing a square wave with spiked leading edge to destroy the pathogens in combination with staying hydrated and consuming chelators. This will restore your biofield, as it has helped mine to be restored and increase cognitive clarity.
Patterns in two dimensional (e.g. on a piece of paper, on the ground or on a wall or within a book) when viewed and biocohered to heal you by linking you to the pattern and your body’s force amplifies the pattern. Your body is comprised of DNA that transmits near field energy that interacts with the pattern. Your good intentions, good thought, over time changes the DNA configuration in your body from dsDNA to crucifix DNA with prayer and meditation. There are good and bad patterns, patterns are not indifferent and your intention combined with the pattern determines your interaction outcome. I can state with 100% confidence that there are both good and bad patterns as each molecule has a pattern and unique biosignature when scanned in. Example, Vitamin C has a pattern (e.g. signature) that is healing as it is an anti-oxidant and supports life, while Anthrax, a strain of Bacillus bacteria, can take life from you. Both Anthrax and Vitamin C have a unique pattern, which can be transmitted at a distance into an object or living being. The transmission at a distance by those skilled in the art of energetics, is known as “imprinting”. In my opinion few people on earth know about this technology and sadly there are those that choose to do evil with it. However, there are also those that choose to do good with this knowledge, I am one of those people now as I recently acquired this skillset in order to address a new physics based neuroweapon that was adversarily weaponized on me in 2022.
Some people are visual learners, therefore here are some concrete examples of patterns for you to understand:
Sound waves transmitted through a speaker, are longitudinal waves and require “mass” to be present (e.g. air) or water for the sound to propogate. The more mass, the easier the sound propogates, the less mass the harder it is for the sound to propogate (frequency specific of course through the given medium) until you reach the limit of a “vacuum, the type where no mass exists, such as in space” where sounds do not travel as we know them to be (e.g. audible, longitudinal wave) based sound.
The field of cymatics, is used to visual audible sounds that transmit through earth (e.g. presence of matter with mass, e.g. Higgs Boson gives mass its’ mass on the quantum side of the house).
Using cymatics, frequencies can be visualized that interact with matter in our physical world (e.g. spacetime) on earth.
The “patterns” in life, created by frequencies and mass are the key.
Don’t get distracted by what humans have built in the past or present as this is just an interpretation of the spectrum. Specifically units of measurement selected and distances given to various objects are not always correct, be careful as there are healthy patterns and unhealthy patterns within the field of bio geometry.
When the spectrum and near-field interactions through “the vacuum: near field” are fully understood, then objects are built correctly. When an object is built in the physical world is has a “pattern” associated with it at various levels. The macro-scale pattern is important, but also is the material(s) of construction.
Example: the pyramids, not all pyramids are healthy. The field of bio geometry goes over this in specific detail. There have been French scientists in their labby that have mummified themselves tinkering with bio geometry and not fully understanding the patterns they were working with had life taking components within them.
Forces: Drivers to activate a pattern
There are two ways to form a pattern, both require energy input either continuous or at a point in spacetime.
Someone who builds a near-field transmitter pattern and then runs a voltage through the circuit to flow a current and oscillate the circuit, to transmit a frequency through the pattern (e.g. antenna) is working with an “active” pattern on a local basis.
Someone who has a sticker, that goes on the back of your smart phone in a “pattern” shape, is working with a local “passive” pattern that is driven by the environment (e.g. telecommunications equipment and associated systems on earth and from space (e.g. sun’s energy output, our galaxy and universe).
There exists patterns that are hybrids of the active and passive that intertwine the local and global/space environments as well as nested patterns (e.g. patterns inside of a pattern) as well as interwoven patterns and patterns created from other patterns (e.g. DNA comprised of AG CT bonds in a double helix structure (antenna).
More complex pattern interactions, can be comprehended through the field of cymatics blended with energetics, where one can create a pattern using a cymatic sound board with sand. The mass of the sand, surface area, volume and crystalline structure amplifies the pattern’s 2D macroscale and 3D microscale. Therefore the biogeometry is the “pattern: key” and the mass, volume and density with materials of construction are the amplifier.
Another way to view a more complex pattern interaction is through higher order harmonics. The “Gabriel Kron” negative resistor is an example of a more complex pattern, where one electrical circuit is open and another nest closed, such that it creates a non-equilibrium thermodynamic response to tap into “the vacuum” through use of a medium within the harmoincally oscillating circuitry. [4]
Patterns + Driving Forces
Combining patterns and a driving force can further amplify and heal. An example of this that other independent researchers are working on, such as Matt J.O.A.B., is a coherent laser system with 532 nm green laser driven by a 528 Hz frequency.
The near field transmitter that I’ve been working with utilizes a printed circuit board PCB with two prints on each side of the PCB that have a pattern that transmit in the far-field, then the two far-field transverse waves “interact” and cancel the e-field and b-field components that results in only the “near-field” energetics, which can then pass through mass easily. The pattern utilized for the transmitters is a key design variable and one which I am still working with to fully understand and optimize for health and wellness.
List of References
[4] Stanford University, General Electric R&D by researcher, Gabriel Kron, funded by U.S. Navy Research