Bioenergetics 132: Biofield visualization through Kirlian Photography Healer Transmitting vs. Non-Transmission
I've completed a lot of literature reviews and found this publication super helpful in order to better understand how to quantify near-field bioenergetics and to help others back intuition with data.
There are certain people in the world called “healers” and go by many names. Few understand what exactly is going on, just that prior generations believed in healers and the current generations becoming adults have pretty much lost all of this knowledge (e.g. WW2 generation was last to have this knowledge based upon my ethnographic interviews with people) since 2000s.
For the avoidance of any doubt, here is what a healer’s bioenergy field looks like as visualized through Kirlian photograph by the DOD U.S. Army in 1980:
If anyone is interested in Kirlian photography please ping me and I’ll work to help you learn more and document your biofield with the bioenergetic clinic that our team at Reactwell is building to assist many other groups and teams achieve their goals for good uses of energetic technologies. Note, at this point in life, I don’t care about patents, in fact, neuroweapons were utilized against me in CTO role to block USPTO from issuing a patent in my name for a distributed ammonia fuel and dual-use technology. Further, I’ve worked on CRADAs with DOE FFRDCs operated by Battelle and on the patents filed where I provided the insights to move the work forward I was not even named as a co-inventor, regardless if I have ownership of the patent, that is not ethical.
Therefore, I could care less about patents as the system is broken. I also don’t care about classified or top secret tech as that system is broken too. From an inventor/engineer/technician/MFIN/MBA perspective with patents issued, the system is broken PTO/WIPO rigged with neurotechnology only to benefit the elite and adversarial groups that use neurotechnology to poach IP and innovation.
GAO in America has also failed.
This is from a Kauffman Global Scholar 2013 and a Sir Edmund Hillary Fellow 2020. People, the current system we’ve lived with since WW2 is under neuroweapon attack by ChinaCCP in an active WW3 neurowar and people need to quit using all ChinaCCP exported computer hardware, chipsets, software and consumables cause ChinaCCP is actively poaching brains and bodies. CCP already captured my wife’s brain using their tech, before I could further reverse engineer what hit me and my family in 2022 in New Orleans, LA USA. Literally, my sole mission in life is to nullify ChinaCCP NeuroStrike by PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon that is destroy family and people across the world who believe in God, Allah and have Faith with free will.