Cognitive Integrity 104: Built Environment
I've arrived at the conclusion, that our built environment pre-2024 has been wrong, harmful, unhealthy and toxic to life on many levels. Now, part of my Cognitive Integrity CI is infrastructure.
Infrastructure for Cognitive Integrity CI historically has been for the elite. This is now changing and will be economically accessible to all who have the mind, non-technocommunist, to benefit from this work, standing on the shoulders of those before us.
I’ve built three prototypes for various Cognitive Integrity CI use cases and will be building a 4th generation prototype live/work space. I’ll keep building prototypes, data driven and then re-work them until they are perfected on all levels for healthy cognitive clarity and living.
Everything around us: flora, spectrum, gravity from magnetic fields, mold/fungus, fauna (inclusive of people) has a pattern to it. Some of these patterns are unhealthy, not that they were intentionally made that way, but over time based upon internal and external influences (some forced on the person, e.g. my case), one can get contaminated by extremely dangerous cognitive degrading systems that try to murder you.
Therefore, having a secure bio-field when you’re out and about as well as when you’re home to purge the filth (junk/mold/gunk from the world), re-charge and re-plenish your energy field is extremely important.
Anyone who is interested in a personal residence based upon this work, please kindly advise on pre-order interest. I’ll have a model on display at 3820 Washington Avenue New Orleans LA 70125 that will be actively shielded with new physics technology, so if anyone does try anything nefarious or evil again with that site, they may get lobotomized on-site or at a distance, subject to an AI matrix decision structure. The local community, not Tik Tokers or ChinaCCP hardware and software end users (e.g. surrogates), can have access to it, based upon Terms and Conditions * upon review and approval.
You can inquire here regarding a Cognitive Integrity CI structure for residence: