Cognitive Integrity 136: Everyday Super Saturated Salt Bath for $87 USD + No Added Sugars
So, you're on a budget and don't want to go through a bunch of epsom salt and baking soda as well as calcium-disodium-EDTA. So, what do you do? You read this brief and have a working solution.
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice, but bioweapon and nanotechnology countermeasures.
Tip: In saturated salt bath, I utilize local PEMF at critical resonance and destructive frequency of molds linked with paramagnetic metals (aluminum, lead, uranium, etc.) and carbons that went paramagnetic (graphene oxides (GO) that went paramagnetic (reduced graphenes rGO). Learn more here and subscribe to services for turn-key solutions so you don’t have to go through the steep learning curve that I’ve had to go through. The objective is to keep your body and blood from going paramagnetic and to be diamagnetic.
Okay, I’m a value engineer. In other words I always build via prototyping over-constrained. When you’re forced to do this one comes up with very novel solutions to otherwise expensive problems. This is called value-engineering and why India is going to kick ass in the global space, even against America and the falling apart CCP regime in China.
So, what is the strategy to save on recurring purchases of salt and chelators, while at the same time having a simple low cost bath dedicated to a super saturated salt solution for soaking in, after you take a bath in your normal bathtub with soap, such as Irish Spring (original) or other chelator based soap?
Step 1: Take a bath in your normal bathtub or shower with a chelator based soap and a small amount of baking soda and epsom salt sprinkled on a clean wash cloth for the body (start at top and work way down)
Step 2: After done with the bath in your normal bathtub or shower then transition over to the dedicated super saturated salt bath. This way the salt isn’t contaminated with the initial load of gunk and junk from the electrosmog polluted world and you are able to utilize it many times over before replacing the salts. Tip: get a small fish aquarium air compressor (stores call it a pump, but that is wrong, it is a compressor, compressors move gas by pressurizing it P2.discharge > P1.inlet) and stone sparger for bubbling oxygen at small bubble dispersion into the salt bath to keep it well oxygenated.
You purchase one of these super simple foldable tubs and then some epsom salt, boron from borax and baking soda, fill it up and you then have a dedicated super saturated salt bath to soak in and clean your body, then when done air dry in an NIR R light. While soaking in the salt bath (super saturated) you can dose with UVa and UVb LED lights. I’ll be testing the entire system and report back on here with a brief as well as updating this as a mail to kit for the bioenergetic clinic subscription as well as upgrades such as materials of constructions, etc. for those with the budget to go marble with a dedicated salt bath tub, PEMF and Terahertz UVa/b lights then with UVc for disinfecting the entire bath area, while nobody is in it.
The first thing one should do after returning home from the day is to take your shoes off in a mud closet type system by the door entry, then immediately put clothes in wash with chelators, baking soda and borax then go straight to the bathroom to clean-up. The world is different now and if you’re already paramagnetic, well it is not good. I’m taking the following countermeasures to heart and following them as I add capacity and infrastructure to rebuild from the failed CCP neuroweapon hit job in 2022 via adversarial wetware and biofilms that turned me paramagnetic, now I’m moving to diamagnetic status, which is how one gets out of the China CCP trap “electronic harassment” (e.g. “electronic waterboarding” per mil terminology).
Bath & Salt Package (portable $87 + shipping & tax) - available through after an initial consultation and paperwork. This provides you with a super saturated bath and some starter calcium-disodium-EDTA.
I’ll take a photograph of it and post it under for anyone that is in need.
The important item is that the salt, will soak up the adversarial wetware and biofilms from CCP bioweapons and paramagnetic contamination over time, it will turn color eventually and go grey from white. When the water is dark grey to grey it is saturated with nanotech paramagnetic and time to pump it out. If you don’t have a small 12V pump then that will be available as well to move water into or out of the portable bath. If you’re on a budget a basic painters can at Home Depot or Lowes is your go-to solution to start working your way out of the ChinaCCP bioweapon trap, that makes you paramagnetic and then slow-kill murders you.
You want to utilize lavender epsom salts as they contain a fragrance that repels rodents. Over time where you pump out the water to will build a defensive moat of lavender around your property if you’re smart about where you pump and dump the water out at. I used to live on Saint Croix in U.S. Virgin Islands and worked at a carpenter shop on the weekends with cedar and Spanish mahogany wood. The left-over cedar I’d bring back to my residence in Hope and then sprinkle it around the perimeter of the gardens surrounding the residence to ward off any rodents that may want to try to enter the residence. We had a huge centipede problem on island and they still do, the suckers are almost a foot long and are super fast. Centipedes also don’t like cedar. I was not aware of epsom salts and lavender when I resided in Saint Croix, else I would’ve utilized them as well in addition to the cedar and poured them around the perimeter.
You can’t eat sugar treats or consume alcohol when you have a salted body with magnesium sulfate specifically. Why? cause you’ll turn into this chemical reaction. Also, you’ll be shielded against EMP hits and Electronic warfare (everywhere in the world now in times of unrestricted warfare):
Pyrotechnics = Salts + Sugars
Sodium bicarbonate is one of the main components of the common "black snake" firework. The effect is caused by the thermal decomposition, which produces carbon dioxide gas to produce a long snake-like ash as a combustion product of the other main component, sucrose. Sodium bicarbonate also delays combustion reactions through the release of carbon dioxide and water, both of which are flame retardants, when heated. Therefore, you can’t eat added sugars or drink alcohol (e.g. converts to sugar in body) at all when you have a salted body, this is part of the Darwin award filter for people that don’t follow the bible’s specific instructions on what to eat, how to stay clean and seek peace and prosperity for all on earth to connect to our creator through our chosen patterns [1]
P.S. there is a super secluded buckminister fullerine type house on the West Side rainforests of Saint Croix and it just so happens that Saint Croix is different than Saint Thomas or Saint John in that it is built on a granitic upheaval slice of Earth’s crust and not volcanic in nature. Had some interesting experiences in Saint Croix, one time some dude sitting next to me at a bar was ordering a drink and I randomly asked him, never knew this dude, so how does it feel to be out of Ukraine. The dude flipped out and freaked out, cause that was a correct question and we had never met before.
List of References
Baking soda
How much Epson salt, Borax and baking powder should one use in a bath?