Cognitive Integrity 146: Wifi's Thermal Impact on Body Energy and Resonance
5 GHz within FCC approved ranges is not supposed to resonate with your body. If you get bioresonance with your body in wifi spectrum, it is a foreign cell, pathogen, wetware, fungus, mold or nanotech.
Wifi at 5 GHz is the topic of this discussion, not 2.4 GHz (which is so close to the DNA response and genomic response of the human body, just like Microwave Oven that I avoid it like the plague). That said, 5 GHz and other non 2.4-2.5 GHz (DNA at 2.45 GHz interaction), are topical to this post.
Facts about Wifi at 5 GHz frequency:
#1 Energy is transmitted into the human body as the water absorbs the energy. Therefore stay hydrated all the time in the world, as the entire world is microwaved now.
#2 The human body does not significantly resonate with the 5 GHz frequency. However, certain molecular structures within may. Therefore, if you are getting electronically harassed or having other junk move in your body or tinnitus in the presence of 5 GHz, you got something inside of you other than your God given natural cells and DNA. Possibly mold, fungus, rope worm gifts from CCP, adversarial wetware, bacteria, “morgellons”, hybrid DNA organisms and other prior rare intruders that are now increasingly attacking humans in times of unrestricted warfare with bioweapons, genomic weapons laced with designer wetware payloads to connect to adversarial neurotechnology chipsets and slowly degrade nation states from the inside out, their people (inside out) and total civil democratic society (inside out).
#3 Biofilms grow rapidly in the presence of microwaves and wifi. Therefore the biofilm is in a “build” process, assembling based upon local available materials.
#4 Volumetric expansion, the body and electrical systems, specifically expand inthe present of wifi 5GHz as well as have conductivity changes. So, you want to have a bigger brain, get wifi, literally it will expand your brain on a physical world basis. What else does it do to your brain depends if you have synthetic biology in your brain or not (e.g.nanotechnology wetware for enhanced humans) or pathogens such as fungus, mold and designer rope worms that CCP has built out for adversarial wetware attack.
Okay, here it is, once one goes through a body cleanse, purge, clean-up, etc. and then re-enter the “world” I am preparing my body with microwave transmitters at 5 GHz frequency to heat-up and resonate junk that is not natural in my body. I am hydrated around the microwaves (pervasive globally now, but when in a shielded space, you can sense the expansion under microwaves of your body and contraction under microwave starved environment). If you really want to feel the effect, right before a hurricane hits the DOD runs their radars at MAX output to pump the space (yes, that’s right, space comprised of air and water liquid and water vapor) and then DOD quenches the radar right prior to hurricane landfall, which then results in a local EMF vacuum, that then condenses the rain out (goes from water vapor to liquid water as the microwaves were pumping energy into the space to increase the local temperature to enable at a given saturation point for more water vapor to be held per unit volume of space). I say this because people around hurricane impact zones got a bunch of unhealthy junk in their biofilms if they eat unclean and if they stay (remain) in the region where hurricane about to hit they get nailed with a ton of radar that rapidly grows the biofilm junk further.
So, how much heat does a wireless router transmit into your body and is it smart to utilize a 5 GHz wireless router or access point (not made in china and not primed with CCP technocommunism tech)? Well for one, I personally can sense the difference from being in a non-wifi environment for long periods of time and then being in a wifi environment at 5 GHz with respect to body temperature, but also body energy levels and strength.
So, given the fact that colloidal silver and gold nanoparticles with ions destroy fungus, mold, bacteria, pathogens, etc. my thought was to dose-up with colloidal silver and gold and then transmit 5 GHz wifi back into my body and see what happens, after being in a EMF reduced environment to remove adversarial wetware and junk from CCP bioweapon and genomic weapons. Well, I can confidently say that the residual biofilms are growing again within my body, I have tingly sensations on my left and right ears where CCP had adversarial wetware integrated into me, as the tissues are volumetric expanding under microwave and adjusting. However, I have tricked the biofilm and CCP adversarial wetware with pre-dosing my body with silver and gold nanoparticles that are now vibrating at visible light and subharmonics and being built into the biofilms being assembled, thereby destroying the pathogens in the biofilms and then chealating out the unnatural scaffolding material, as activated by turning 5G wifi on.
So, localized heating within the biofilms due to resonance and light scatterring of the silver and gold nanoparticles and ions a well as resonance with the wifi as indicated by this harmonic series subharmonic frequencies for silver and gold nanoparticles. Note I have significant primary experience synthesizing copper and silver nanoparticles:
What does this insight indicate and what literature references are available to validate this scientifically, not just based upon my insight.
#1 Energy can be input at a distance using far-field physics. The historical use has been omnidirectional, but the latest use going forward is directional. Someone can have more energy than another person if on 5GmmWave due to the telecommunications systems beaming more energy into person X over person Y. Why? Well there are many reasons for this, one that is up to no good is ChinaCCP technocommunism use cases via Huawei equipment, reduces energy to non-pro CCP and maximizes energy to pro-CCP high ranking technocommunists social credit score people. That’s right Xi, I’ve reverse engineered not only your Magic Weapon, but your infrastructure build-out of Belt & Road into nations not aware of your covert murders of their respective population not abiding by CCP technocommunism framework.
#2 Internet of Bodies IoB has been around for a very long time, now with directional antennas 5G+ mmWave, amplification is occurring if you are on 5G or not on 5G and this will striate those that have and those that don’t have in terms of wetware situational awareness, energy, insights, thought theft, etc. Do not get contaminated by an adversarial AI BCPS system if you are in NATO as CCP will steal everything from you, inclusive of your life and make you a slave to technocommunism. If you have an oudated smart phone that is not up to date, you will get hacked at hardware, cyber and wetware levels. This is occurring to people now in America, covertly due to CCP Neurostrike and COVID from CCP.
#3 If you’re not clean and pure in body and mind then the biofilms and genomic weapons will take you over. Perhaps the thought was, if the person is smart enough to make educated and informed health related choices then the wetware (friendly) won’t grow and take the person over, or the adversarial wetware won’t get to the person. However, CCP has messed with this NATO plan and is just taking people over through use of Tik Tok and adversarial wetware and ChinaCCP hardware from Shenzhen, China. Do not buy Made in China electronics, specifically Lenovo, Motorolla, Hisense, Huawei and many others listed here
#4 Volumetric Expansion: Brain and associated body parts expand when subject to microwaves.
I’ll expand further on the above, but for now this is a useful brief for people to be aware of.
So for those that are being “electronically harassed” what does this mean? For me, it indicated that purging one’s body takes the relaxation of biofilms (in a wifi deprived, low EMF environment) and then after you are clean of the horrid bioweapons and genomic weapons that CCP has been dosing the world with, going back into a controlled wifi 5G environment with not made in China to rebuild your body back into an electromagnetically hardened exo-skeleton and endo-skeleton without the paramagnetic parasite junk from CCP.
Remember, the junk you feel move when around wifi and cell towers is a combination of NATO wetware synthetic biology (healthy, but not natural) and ChinaCCP adversarial wetware, biofilms and genomic/bioweapon junk that is paramagnetic in nature. Upon re-entry into a wifi environment from a faraday environment shielding EMF, you will feel stuff move around inside of your body, this is from the volumetric expansion being immersed in wifi again (not 2.45 GHz or anywhere near that), NATO’s wetware that wasn’t removed by chelating as it was not paramagnetic and the voids from the CCP adversarial wetware, biofilms and associated genomic weaponry that has been removed. The voids, CCP worms per say, are being back filled by the NATO synthetic biology and healthy foods that you have been eating, while staying hydrated (alkaline).
Note, the first time I tried this several weeks ago, CCP nailed my electrical system with an EMP hit that fried the wifi system (not electronically shielded). I’m now trying it with a smaller 5G wifi transmitter TX that does not reach out into the street for CCP surrogates to log and then try to hack into or transmit back to CCP AI BCPS to flag.
Wise people ask last, what not to do?
Don’t buy Made in China electronic hardware at all. Specifically, TP-Link, I can personally confirm CCP and their cronies spy, steal and program adversarial wetware through their hardware: US Lawmakers Demand Probe Into TP-Link, Claiming Spying Risks From China [1]
A pair of lawmakers are concerned the Chinese government may exploit TP-Link routers to spy on Americans. [1]
List of References