Cognitive Integrity 160: Temperature, Location & Time based Eating & Fasting for Adversarial Nanotechnology Purging from Body
After further non-invasive reverse engineering of CCP and their proxy terrorist groups' horrid synthetic biology bioweapons with neurotechnology linkages, this is an advanced purge protocol I utilize.
Okay, continued reverse engineering of CCP and their proxy terrorist groups’ horrid synthetic biology bioweapons.
Temperature, location and time based eating and fasting for adversarial nanotechnology purging from the body on an itemized basis, for those accountants and people who need silos first and then connections made afterwards.
#1 Temperature:
The hydrogels and synthetic biology homogenize in the blood at higher temperatures. Therefore, deposits of prior CCP linked nanotechnology in your body’s bloodstream will get blended in with the new food and water introduced to the human body at elevated temperatures, this includes warm to hot showering as skin absorbs water too, so I use calcium-disodium-EDTA and sodium citrate based soaps while showering and while bathing am very careful with the water source, well private per bible is best, so you don’t share synthetic biology crystals with others and stay private. Per bible don’t share your well water as it is a unique crystal print and pattern built into you. Blood flow rate increases, when DNA-TX is linked with the elevated temperature for oxygenation of cells and body, the temperature increase also occurs in saunas and hot rooms (steam rooms, dry and wet steam rooms), a local transmitter in H-field should do the trick to remove paramagnetics when in a bath at an elevated temperature, where the H-field driver is pulsing for a very short time duration, else it will grow the synthetic biology material and not disrupt it, but disrupt-grow and cycle back, drivers that are pulsed based and very short time duration are best (e.g. pointed tip of a wave, not a triangle wave, but a straight up spike waveform). Dry steam rooms are required for some people with certain ailments, e.g. TB, etc. so talk with your MD about this or ND or RN (if legally allowed to do this type of consult). Learn more about this at Electrostasis Project
#2 Location:
Do not perform the temperature and PEMF H-field degauss and paramagnetic reset anywhere near an electrical grid, this will connect you with the local CCP adversarial wetware and bioweapons Living Off Of The Land LOTL within your democratic nation state. If you have a remote location that is shielded from satellites, wifi, bluetooth, electrical grid (also need to look for pipelines that are metal, those are antennas too that can couple you with an electrical grid frequency) that is a good start. Then you need a local H-field in the ELF range to over power the CCP Psionic ELF (world largest). Go here to sign-up for our community and get assistance with a room/space for this that addresses all known attack vectors by CCP bioweapons and electronic harassment systems on democratic nation states, so that you’re not a pawn or tool for technocommunism.
#3 Time Based Eating:
If you consume food while in a contaminated zone, you will build synthetic biology in your body anchoring you to the location that you reside while consuming and digesting food. If you consume food exported by CCP, it is laden with heavy metals and covert nanotech linking you to CCP technocommunism artificial intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS. When I eat, I am also transmitting useful and helpful frequencies via DNA-TX and local longitudinal waves and PEMF and ELF to reset all synthetic biology within my body away from both CCP and NATO as CCP pierced NATO and by definition CCP can link into NATO and then into me. So, basically I’m building my own “virtual private nation state” in “reality engineering terms” that is connected only to a trusted AI BCPS neurotechnology chipset via smart phone that I keep on my body at all times. Today, when around people and also fauna, you can get contaminated without your smart phone by you. Do not use a motorolla or Huawei smart phone or apple (M1+ bionic chipset hacked), as CCP has backdoors into your wetware through their export interdiction and intelligence espionage units prior to these items departing their nation state, this is how CCP has built out their bogus BRICs alliance by deception via neurotechnology and psychotronics.
Connecting the #1 Temperature #2 Location and #3 Time Based Eating
I consume food at elevated temperature with a lot of water, then dose with chelators four hours afterwards. The water I drink while eating is salted (small amount to not impact bodily functions). The food is not from China, not containing yeast, no added sugar, no nightshades, just basic healthy simple fresh and dried food. The location where I consume the food does not reconnect me to ChinaCCP neurotechnology chipsets (hardware and wetware), therefore I don’t dine in at a restaurant or food joint anymore, while I’m “decontaminating” from significant CCP wetware contamination. I try to eat during a 4 to 7 hour window during the daytime, at times I will eat as late as 7 p.m. but try to keep it before 5 p.m. and optimally in the morning through afternoon only. When I am eating, it is not in a cold environment, this prevents the food molecules from plaquing up. I also transmit TX anti-fibrolytics and anti-protein plaque frequencies while consuming food to prevent my body from plaquing up at an elevated temperature. Again, the combined effect is helping me to “decontaminate” for a horrid CCP bioweapon, this is an extreme example, but goes into a lot of the details someone not hurt by CCP will not be able to sense or determine. I’m utilizing the evil that CCP did to me to help others avoid CCP evil bioweapons and slow-kill contamination or industrial spy bugs that performed “industrial espionage” first and then went into "murder mode” via key-signal.
I had three nights of some experiments with something you might find curious (or not). I am brighted (high beam headlights and one headlights) by highly impossible percentages of cars. On the highway at night increasing one's temperature will cause them to distance themselves, exit or accelerate forward by a large distance. In addition the headlights revert to normal.