Cognitive Warfare 101: Data Repository for Defense Industrial Base DIB and Civilians Website Launched
Today, there has been a website created to hold database for Cognitive Warfare or "NeuroStrike" people attacked by ChinaCCP PLA and their affiliates. Since NeuroStrike has been reverse engineered now.
In 2023 I was requested to build a database or repository for people impacted by NeuroStrike (e.g. Robert McCreight term) or as NATO calls it “Cognitive Warfare”.
Today, I’ve launched a basic site to serve as repository. Since ChinaCCP PLA Xi “Magic Weapon” NeuroStrike has now been reverse engineered and hacked with a protocol to remove it put in the clear.
The protocol needs to be replicated and verified by others, but it worked for me, which in my book enables it to be shared with others to see if it can be replicated as the methods utilized are standing on the shoulders of others that came before all of us.
The key, secret to Xi’s “Magic Weapon” is to disrupt the synbio built-out from the “seed” and then remove the “seed”.
It is ironic that another Chemical Engineer would reverse engineer Xi’s “Magic Weapon” (another Chemical Engineer). Note, I don’t believe in “Magic” but apparently Xi does, which tells you all you need to know and I’ll leave it at that.
This post and site is a troll on PLA as well. is Data Repository Site
Note: Apparently ChinaCCP Adversarial AI BCPS “Xi’s Magic Weapon” is like a person. If you piss it of enough by removing its’ ability to link-into you then it lashes out and makes “death threats” as this post below clearly indicates, after I published a dual-use post regarding balloons. In 2022 the ChinaCCP weapon went from “perch” mode to “attack” mode via key-signal and felt like I was getting shot-up by a Directed Energy Weapon DEW at first (when the synbio in me grew rapidly) and cognitively impaired brain body health significantly.
This is entertaining now. However, prior to figuring out how to remove the junk, it was quite the opposite, also with surrogates ramming my vehicle in 2022 (act of terrorism that insurance does not cover, but vehicle kept on running) and then follow-up in 2022 taking the vehicle offline with an EMP hit (took several hits to fry the engine run relay and associated wiring harness, which is another act of terrorism that insurance does not cover). Then later in 2022 got “stalked” by a group of “Surrogates” where one of them showed off an Uzi from their SUV twice, the first time I was adjacent to a police detail for infrastructure work with the state, so their “Surrogates” didn’t do anything and the second time was after working a night shift. ChinaCCP AI BCPS objective is to intimidate you, suck up your time and your resources (e.g. Sun Tzu style death by a 1,000 cuts). Further, their AI’s goal is to surround and enclose on you so you get pinned down, whittle down your economic access and then it goes after what you “love” and what you “fear” to use those knobs against you as well as many other psyops, such as “angels vs. demons”, which I published about prior to “shelve you”.
Once their AI gets you pinned down, then it tries to get you to adopt to their “Social Credit System” (e.g. Great Firewall Plunked down into other nation states). However, if you keep getting unpinned (e.g. cybersecurity skills required for online access and cellular intercepts, tons of bogus phone calls, text messages, false business leads in emails, false work opportunities, etc.) as well as assets and infrastructure to continue moving forward and reverse engineering the attack, then you discover the entire AI BCPS behind it and how it is integrated with “Tik Tok” and the people using “Tik Tok” which are “Surrogates” for ChinaCCP PLA Social Credit Monitoring system by now. So, even at work in America if you have people with “Tik Tok” on their smart phones, beware of their covert influence in and around you as their niBMI channels that have been “contaminated” by ChinaCCP can be “switched” on/off like a robot, but wetware style.
Hope this work helps many others succeed against ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s “Magic Weapon” unrestricted warfare use of neurotechnology and cybertechnology and that this work catalyzes the total ban of “Tik Tok” in all democratic nations. “Tik Tok” is ChinaCCP AI BCPS PLA Xi’s “Magic Weapon” primary trojan horse weapon (there are also hardware headsets, India’s Ministry of Information Technology has detailed list of all the software and hardware) being covertly and subconsciously used on Americans and many others in the world, sadly. God bless.