Experiment 105: Cognitive Weapon Removal System, Still Pass a Drug Test. No False Positives.
Good news, you’ll still pass a drug test after utilizing combination of chelators, vitamins, supplements and methylene blue (that turns urine color blue to green). No false-positives.
Here is some information out there for public consumption. Dosing your body with the plethora of supplements, vitamins, roots, chelators and anti-parasite medications along with methylene blue (turns your urine green to blue) will not false-positive a 12 point drug test as shown below. Cognitive weapons suck, but at least the molecules required to remove them and reduce cognitive (neurological) impact do not false positive existing drug tests that are off-the-shelf.
The pesky weapon system that ChinaCCP has been called out on that nailed me in 2022, at that time had zero knowledge of non-kinetic weapons and recovery guidelines & protocols.
Itemized list of ingredients to remove “cognitive weapon” that was non-invasively dosed internal system:
1. Chelators (metal removers): calcium-disodium-EDTA IV
calcium-disodium-EDTA mixed with skin lotion for topical use
garlic (fresh, pressed to activate enzymes)
2. Graphene Oxide Removers: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
with Selenium (from L-Selenomethionine)
with Molybdenum (from Sodium Molybdate)
3. Anti-fibrolytics: Nattokinase, Serapeptase, Lumbokinase
4. Synthetic Biology Disruptor: Boron
5. Vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium (as sodium selenite), Thiamine (as Thiamine Hcl), Riboflavin (as Riboflavin-5 phosphate), Niacin (as Nicotinamide), Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate), Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate), Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide), Zinc (as zinc sulphate monohydrate), Iron, Choline, Boron (as sodium tetraborate),
6. Omega Fatty Acids Omega-3: Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
7. Sleep Aids Liquid Melatonin, Temperature 60-65 degF
8. Probiotics & Enzymes Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother), Off the shelf probiotics
9. Anti-parasite Ivermectin
Garlic (fresh pressed to activate enzymes)
10. Anti-inflammatory Ginger, Tumeric, Boswellia (Indian Frankincense)
11. Roots, Leaves & Seeds Black Cumin Seed Powder, Coffee, Green Tea, Ginger
12. Nootropics Methylene Blue, Resveratrol, Quercetin Dihydrate, Coffee, Tea
13. Cartilage Repair Hydrolyzed Collagen and UC-II Standardized Cartilage
14. Oxygen Daily deep breathing at sea levels to immerse tissue in oxygen
15. Light Daily sunlight for UV for Vitamin D and in-situ ozone generation within body.
16. Temperature Not much control during daytime, at night time sleep at 60-65 DegF.
17. Teeth Hydrogen peroxide + toothpaste 2x/day
18. Ears After shower, dose of hydrogen peroxide, then drained, then dose of isopropyl alcohol and then calcium-disodium-EDTA paste. No cotton swabs or q-tips (R)
19. Environment Faraday shielding, such as metal building with NO wifi and limited use of cell phone, as needed only.
During sleeping hours cold temperature at 60 to 65 degF range.
HEPA air filtration, closed circuit with ionizer (plasma) step and activated carbon
20. Frequency Therapy Rife frequencies in RF spectrum for critical resonance frequency **extremely** destruction of synthetic biology, mold, fungus, and parasites due **important** to heavy metal poison component of “cognitive weapon”. See Rife Handbook for MD experimental frequencies used since 1930s.
21. Water High pH water greater than 8. Do NOT drink TAP WATER.
21. Food Vegetables and high protein vegetable derived nonGMO powders, then eventually work way up to eating Kosher (prepared to minimize parasites).
Do not eat much sugar at all. No cookies, candies, etc. it feeds the “synbio system (e.g. parasite).” grown & activated during DEW attack.
22. Computer Systems Non-neurotech software and hardware, utilize Linux and hard- wired ethernet. Utilize block box to isolate contaminated devices that link with “cognitive tech” that phones home to attacker AI based platform.
23. Smart Phone Ditch current number, switch to new number and stay with 4G until 5G further secured. Do not keep phone on your body at all times, keep it near you, but not on your body. Cognitive Weapons are AI enabled on back end and if the synthetic biology in you links to smartphone or device with neurotechnology in it and phones home to your attacker, then it’ll automate more DEW hits or “surrogates” (e.g. cyborgs) to mess with you in very covert and not easy to detect ways, one way to detect the “surrogate” system is to go dark on your phone and comms and pull the gps and radio fuses in your vehicle, then you’ll observe some weird behaviors in people that appear normal, but are completely synthetic biology enabled (e.g. “surrogates”) on the roads.
24. Jewelry and Glasses Do not wear metal jewelry or glasses, it acts as an antenna and increases the EMF within the region of skin tissue that helps to grow the synthetic biology material. Use plastic or wood & string (non-conductive).
Optogenetics: use blue light blocking glasses when on computer, smartphone or other screen device… use of liquid nanoparticles to encapsulate optogenetic genetic modifiers can enable smartscreens to write directly to your visual cortex. Typically in blue light wavelength.
25. Baths & Showers Daily shower in HOT water then COLD water quench, use of zinc based shampoo, soap with calcium-disodium-EDTA, and baking soda.
Bath with some baking soda, some borax (has boron) and some chlorine (like a swimming pool level). Use same soaps as in shower system.
26. Laundry Wash clothes with laundry detergent, baking soda and borax (has boron in it to disrupt the synthetic biology).
27. Cybersecurity When in perch mode “cognitive weapons” can monitor your thought and log passwords, utilize hardware key to stop the AI enabled attacks that hack into bank accounts, online accounts, etc. to data mine your network. Avoid people who use Tik Tok or WeChat, it is linked to ChinaCCP cognitive weapon platform.
The above is an exhaustive list of physical/tangible items, materials/consumables and spectrum (signals in EMF spectrum range) that I’ve used to recover to the point of being coherent, mentally able to hold a conversation again, perform calculations, perform manual labor (hand-eye coordination) and remove the pesky persistent state “V2K” in-situ attack, when used in combination with Royal Rife square-wave pulsed frequencies in RF spectrum and am now exploring electrode signals in combination with RF spectrum. Cognitive weapon system has been reverse-engineered with basic guidelines on how to recover fast (e.g. within year) vs. several years.
Will continue to post updates on recovery, but for now this is a detailed list 12 months post cognitive weapon transformed from perch to attack mode, activated by 5-7 directed energy weapon (DEW) hits to brain and central nervous system (CNS).