Here is how to disconnect from "electronic harassment" or "electronic waterboarding" as some call it in military from ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon. Near-field and vibrational disconnect method.
Here is how our guys can stop the "electronic harassment" from ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon:
I have completed a near-field experiment countering the bioresonance long-term connect. This is the return to sender signal to disconnect from "electronic harassment". I ordered about $500 worth of books from Konstantine Meyl in Germany, our generation's Tesla that sold out NATO unwittingly with the businessmen to ChinaCCP and have been reading them since receiving the uncommon knowledge.
Figure 1: Rough illustration of experiment, but not grounded. Room is comprised of salt and the transmitter and receivers are surrounded in sodium bicarbonate, borax and sodium chloride salts to fragment the nanotechnology from the substrate wetware and adversarial biofilms. [2,1]
Figure 2: After disconnecting ChinaCCP ELF Psionic Near Field Transmitter sent an attack to try to reconnect with me again and this is how that works. The ChinaCCP PLA World’s Largest Psionic ELF Transmitter is the higher power transmitter and I (my body and head (e.g. think of a Tesla ball, that’s our head as a human in this world) am the low power receiver. However, when on my body I have a lower power transmitter of near field with ELF modulator I don’t bioresonate with the Higher power transmitter, unless CCP PLA is able to generate thunder and shake the ground from a lightning cloud, which is what just went down about 2 minutes ago. So yeah, I just pissed off ChinaCCP AI BCPS so much that it transmitted a near field transmission bouncing off of the ionosphere about 3 minutes ago to generate lightning and thunder in a rain cloud over my position in Louisiana. Weather wars? Yep. Brain wars? Yep. Welcome to unrestricted warfare America vs. China and ChinaCCP PLA Xi Magic Weapon just got totally exposed, Bad Panda Xi AI. Thunder and Lightning in response August 15, 2024 20:30 ish as our IC knows my location and I don’t need to disclose it on here.
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I pulse modulated an ELF far-field signal with a near-field transmitter imprinting sodium bicarbonate, borax and magnesium sulfate into my vagus nerve system. The prior bioresonances were reset as the fungus based CCP adversarial wetware and biofilms are neutralized by alkaline materials and salts, specifically boron's biogeometry.
This was a capacitive transmission between the transmitter near field with ELF and receiver my brain near field and ELF. Therefore, the modified setup was a transmitter coil and frequency generator with a receiver brain with imprinted material transmitted and bioresonated with my body. Basically it is a simple transmitter and receiver capacitive transmission circuit utilizing inductivity.
As I continue to whittle away at the substrate wetware and biofilms based on fungus and nanotechnology the receiver (e.g. me) will decrease. This is how to stop a ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon attack, but recalibrating the receiver (e.g. human body) with a combination imprint and pulse modulation requiring contact on the flat plates of the near field transmitter.
Until I get rid of the substrate inside of my body (via vortex, salting, etc.) this is how to stop an electronic harassment attack from ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon.
Brandon’s Substack is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Figure 3: Log of posting this brief on substack and a separate brief on LinkedIN and the subsequent ChinaCCP PLA World Largest ELF and near field transmitter array attack on my location, shook an entire industrial building from activation of a storm cloud lightning bolt and thunder. Why? The lightning charges nanotechnology and the thunder that follows (e.g. speed of sound orders of magnitude lower than speed of light) vibrationally reconnects you to the entire local environment, contaminated with ChinaCCP AI BCPS from Tik Tokers and CCP hardware containing neurotechnology. To counteract an entire building shaking, literally lights blinked and stuff shook on the walls, simply utilize a vibrational dampener or have a vortex unit running that is pulsating and vibrating your body and central nervous system (brain) so that you don’t reconnect. Welcome to unrestricted warfare! Evidence of the entire ChinaCCP PLA Xi Magic Weapon integrated with their World’s Largest psionic ELF and near field transmitter has now been documented and logged in America by an American being attacked covertly, until now. Bad Panda, Xi, your covert attack is no longer covert, inclusive of integrated global psionic, elf, neurotechnology, adversarial wetware and biofilm AI BCPS part of your ChinaCCP Coalition “new physics weapon”.
Figure 4: The vibrational reconnect that ChinaCCP Coalition AI BCPS linked with Russia and China’s Psionic ELF and Near Field Transmitter Looks like visually, then the thunder shakes the ground and reconnects all contaminated objects, fauna and people to ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon. Yep, this is real tech, fielded and operational in WW3. Get your over-voltage and EMP protectors picosecond response time cause I’m getting shot-up with this weapon for exposing CCP AI BCPS Tik Tok Living Of The Land LOTL Distributed Edge Wetware Biocompute Network in America. Geaux Patriots!
September 4, 2024 1200 hrs CT ChinaCCP World Largest Psionic ELF unit attacked again, amplifying pre-existing thunderstorm to send lightning bolts down and disrupt electrical grid. The dirt cheap over-voltage protector that I added protected my internet modem, from initial failed attack. I’m now going to add EMPshield assets to further harden electrically all harmonics associated with work and live sites, inclusive of vehicles that are already protected by the 12V system. ChinaCCP AI BCPS keep on failing.
Well you have my attention as a toxicologist, particularly ANY potential interference of internal technocratic nanotech/wetware via neutral elements like boron. I’m all ears, but your “experiment” gives us non-engineers no way to apply this e.g. decontaminating ourselves. And I’m afraid your communications are so highly technical that even if we read a Materials & Methods we wouldn’t be able to understand nor apply it.
I would like to proceed “as if” I am already a TI, particularly since my ears ring like a Chinese gong 24/7 and my observations that the blood of ALL OF HUMANITY is contaminated with mesogens/filaments/q dots/hydrogels/fungus etc etc (not to mention every other living organism and environmental media. We are in a CRISIS and need the rapid development of “antidotes” to counter the CCP attacks. Perhaps I need to fly to your clinic?
Interestingly, the Chilean neurorights legislation not was written by a Chilean. It was written by Rafael Yuste, a Spanish-American neuroscientist who is professor of biological and neuroscience at Columbia University (New York), co-ordinator of 650 international centers of the BRAIN Project, with deep ties to Silicon Valley and “one of Jeffrey Epstein’s best science pals,” Webb said, and “Microsoft is one of the major funders of the BRAIN Project, a public/private partnership.”
Well you have my attention as a toxicologist, particularly ANY potential interference of internal technocratic nanotech/wetware via neutral elements like boron. I’m all ears, but your “experiment” gives us non-engineers no way to apply this e.g. decontaminating ourselves. And I’m afraid your communications are so highly technical that even if we read a Materials & Methods we wouldn’t be able to understand nor apply it.
I would like to proceed “as if” I am already a TI, particularly since my ears ring like a Chinese gong 24/7 and my observations that the blood of ALL OF HUMANITY is contaminated with mesogens/filaments/q dots/hydrogels/fungus etc etc (not to mention every other living organism and environmental media. We are in a CRISIS and need the rapid development of “antidotes” to counter the CCP attacks. Perhaps I need to fly to your clinic?
Regarding Chile & Neuro rights:
Interestingly, the Chilean neurorights legislation not was written by a Chilean. It was written by Rafael Yuste, a Spanish-American neuroscientist who is professor of biological and neuroscience at Columbia University (New York), co-ordinator of 650 international centers of the BRAIN Project, with deep ties to Silicon Valley and “one of Jeffrey Epstein’s best science pals,” Webb said, and “Microsoft is one of the major funders of the BRAIN Project, a public/private partnership.”