Experiment 124: Removal of ChinaCCP Smart Bioweapon via Ears - CCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon Antidote
Calcium-disodium-EDTA and moisturizer for custom ear plugs that pull out paramagnetic material at night when subject to PEMF rotating fields. The true antidote to CCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon.
I’ve built some custom ear plugs that are applied at night through use of calcium-disodium-EDTA and lotion (e.g. Dove body lotion). The material, like putty, is placed on my head and ears, within the ear canal, but close enough so that it can be removed. Think of this like a facemask, that majority of women around the world are familiar with.
After the material hardens, then the application of a pulsed eletromagnetic field PEMF (the H-field is the active field, minimizing the electric field is wise at this point) that is rotating then removes the paramagnetic and CCP bioweapon junk from inside of my body and brain. This has worked wonders.
I’ve been able to confirm that it is in fact the paramagnetic materials being removed (e.g. CCP bioweapons) since I dose with methylene blue MB and that crosses the blood brain barrier BBB. The material removed after application of the rotating magnetic field vortex tool is blue.
Here are the ear plugs being removed after a night of sound sleep and followed by application of the magnetic vortex unit prior to sleep and after the calcium-disodium-EDTA material with body lotion hardens and then again in the morning to help remove the material rapidly (e.g. it soaks up the paramagnetic junk over night, so removal is quick with a PEMF magnetic vortex skyrmion unit).