Experiment 128: Adversarial Wetware Bioweapon Removal with PEMF, Methylene Blue MB, Magnetic Vortex Skyrmion & Longitudinal Waves
Here is the material removed from sinus cavities from the brain. Nanotechnology can easily penetrate the blood brain barrier bbb and these globules and "rivulets" of nanotech came from the brain.
Here is the material removed from sinus cavities from the brain. Expulsion was non-invasive clearing of sinus into back of throat and then coughing up the phlegm bioweapon bad nanotech. Nanotechnology can easily penetrate the blood brain barrier bbb and these globules and "rivulets" of nanotech came from the brain.
Tools utilized:
Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency PEMF
Longitudinal Rife Waves
Methylene Blue MB
Colloidal Silver
Warm Tea (loosen up mucus and sinus membranes with heat) and sodium citrate with tumeric added
Magnetic Vortex Skrymion Unit (this is the unit that pulled the adversarial wetware and bioweapon from the brain into the sinus for clearing and removal
The methylene blue MB when dosed with the PEMF and longitudinal rife waves (square wave) at critical resonance frequency of pathogens detected from bioscan results in a froth or foamy methylene blue MB. This frothing of the methylene blue did not occur prior to both dosing with ivermectin and PEMF with pulsed longitudinal square (rife) waves. In my opinion it indicates the methylene blue with the colloidal silver and gold nanoparticles have successfully penetrated the biofilms used by CCP (e.g. bioweapons) to get to Sars-cov-2 and other pathogens that were returned with positive hits from the “bioscan” done prior. I’m doing weekly bioscans and will report the frequencies and location of electrodes for the scan. I’m using an electrode based bioscan station, have two of them for the bioenergetic mobile clinic.
The removed material is dosed with original Lysol then disposed of.
Thankyou now we are going somewhere to overcome this.