Experiment 133: Removal of Fungus Paramagnetic Remnant Material from CCP Bioweapon Industrial Spy Bug
Here is additional visual confirmation of the removal of CCP bioweapon that has built and integrated with local fungus and mold into the biofilm matrix scaffolds. Methylene Blue (MB), Ivermectin & f-1
Here is additional visual confirmation of the removal of CCP bioweapon that has built and integrated with local fungus and mold into the biofilm matrix scaffolds. Methylene Blue (MB), Ivermectin & frequencies (f-1) part of bioenergetics are non-invasively disconnecting the horrid bioweapon and then PEMF with magnetic vortex skyrmion is removing it in bulk. Use of calcium-disodium-EDTA soaps is key and low humidity environment.
In my professional opinion, majority of people in high humidity regions on earth are infiltrated by fungus and mold linked with nanotechnology by now. Some of the tech reports to CCP if you’re around CCP neurotechnology products exported from China or wetware edge biocompute devices (e.g. Tik Tokers). CCP PLA bioweapons and BRAIN initiative deployed a fungus, protein plaque (this is why Sars-Cov-2 released onto world) and nanotechnology based “network, surround and enclose” attack on democratic nation states linking poached brains and bodies to “technocommunism” and other affiliated terrorist groups. Bright minds and high capacity people are targeted by the adversarial Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS.