Genomics & Frequencies 103: The Liturgy of the Word being infiltrated by CCP smart bioweapons with nanotechnology to Actively Harass the Covenant of God
This took some time to figure out. CCP is straight up evil, so evil in fact that CCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon and the deployed use case globally is infiltrating our churches and binding us further to CCP
This took some time to figure out. CCP is straight up evil, so evil in fact that CCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon and the deployed use case globally is infiltrating our churches and binding us further to CCP evil AI BCPS further.

Here is how:
#1 CCP smart bioweapons link people via nanotechnology and when people consume food and liquids together it binds the bioresonance from visual observation, spoken word (mechanical vibration and longitudinal wave) as well as to/from synthetic biology transfer (e.g. hugs, handshakes).
#2 CCP infiltration into religious and spiritual people alike at mass, Tik Tokers and CCP surrogates on CCP chipsets (Lenovo, Motorolla, Hisense, Huawei) sign of peace to shake hands, spreads synthetic biology linked to CCP AI BCPS into NATO AI BCPS.
#3 CCP infiltration when at mass the community that has Tik Tokers on CCP AI and non-Tik Tokers break-bread (communion and wine) the new input synthetic biology with nanotechnology then bioresonates the local community and binds the CCP surrogates to the NATO surrogates
#4 CCP infiltration when at mass pneumatic musical instrumentation (mechanical vibration and longitudinal waves) after communion (binds everyone)
#5 Any unclean person (e.g. someone who does not abide by Kosher/Halal, no yeast, no added sugar, Parev, fasting, no unclean foods) has parasites in them and with CCP smart bioweapon genomics, the bread and body of our Christ that we consume in mass is perverted by CCP genomic weapons to integrate into smart CCP rope worm DNA and further bind and bioresonate via COVID strains (e.g. Sars-Cov-2 spike protein beta-amyloid plaque building) to create subvariants of “virtual nation states” that link local communities contaminated with Tik Tokers (audio-video-communications nanotechnology CNT and weaponized pathogen nanotechnology WPT) with chipsets (neurotechnology enabled, hardware from Lenovo, Motorolla, Huawei and Hisense (TVs in a lot of American homes and Churches)).
Therefore, the old adage, one weak link breaks an entire community is what CCP has done to exploit our nation of America and now we are totally invaded.
Basis (note this applies to all interactions with CCP surrogates (e.g. Tik Tokers, Lenovo users, Motorolla users) poor souls that got snuck by CCP into the China Trap.
The Liturgy of the Word
By hearing the word proclaimed in worship, the faithful again enter into the unending dialogue between God and the covenant people, a dialogue sealed in the sharing of the Eucharistic food and drink. The proclamation of the word is thus integral to the Mass and at its very centre. It is appropriate to have a brief time of quiet after the readings for those present to take the word of God to heart and begin to prepare a prayerful response to what they have heard.
#a after the body and blood of Christ is consumed, the brief time of quiet after music plays further gives the synthetic biology CCP smart bioweapons time to grow and link up via a local “virtual nation state” cybernetic network, enabling CCP to continue to layer and re-contaminate local communities in democratic nation states with poison technocommunism linked to CCP AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS.
Fact: The CCP and their proxy terrorists trolled the world at the 2024 Olympics where the CCP in public via infiltration into the Olympic committee disgraced the angelics and those sharing the covenant with God on earth by desecrating the last supper.
Bioresonance and how it works

Make no mistake about it. The attack by CCP is not just on democratic nation states, but on the angelics in the heavens as the living (turning into the quick, as it was once written before being changed by humankind, and dead) are now transmitting via nanotechnology overlays of their biological systems 24x7x365.25 and there will be a point where the angelics respond in this timeline shortly as the attack and those removed by evil will be answered and responded to. Time tells all truths.
List of References
If we were to solve this from a top-down admin approach from the incoming Trump admin, what are three immediate steps we could take at the executive and/or legislative level starting January 6th?
How do the vaccines factor into all of this?