Health & Wellness 113: Cat Lady
So, there's an old adage or "myth" called the "cat lady" or in some derogatory terms "crazy cat lady" why? Seriously. Why would some people, specifically women be subject to the term "crazy cat lady"?
Important Note: I don’t have pets, but prefer to hang out with dogs over cats. Nothing against cats, except for their toxoplasmosis [1] companions, I literally hate that parasite and have a machine to kill them. Further, this is not medical advice. I’m just an uneducated electrochemical engineer with work overlapping with a bunch of R&D in medical, HSE, wetware disruptors and chemicals industry.
Here’s my contribution to helping out a lot of people in the world get rid of something that over time degrades their loved one’s or community’s people. The popular term is called the “cat lady” or the derogatory form “crazy cat lady” among general press.
How many people in the world have heard of their local “cat lady”, a woman who keeps a bunch of cats. Why? Seriously, why would someone, specifically a woman typically middle to older aged keep a bunch of cats and why would people call the woman “crazy cat lady”? Many people think the cats keep them company, but on average cats are not as friendly as dogs, so why not get a dog as an incremental pet over a cat again?
Answer: Women who are in an unclean environment, consume beauty products with metals in them (hair dyes and coloring) and come into direct contact with their cat (unclean animal) or neighbor’s cat (unclean animal) or mice (unclean animal around residential areas) or dispose of their cat feces (kitty litter) or walk in the yard where cat feces or mice feces is deposited or have a small garden or purchase produce from large agricultural regions with pest problems get a population of Toxoplasmosis into their system. When the parasite enters the brain and the person is in an immunocompromised state, it grows and becomes known as “Toxoplasma infection”. If this is undiagnosted by a medical doctor or simply unaware of by the cat owner, subject to the local jurisdiction, then the person may just be your “cat lady” or sadly when derogatory form used by uninformed people “crazy cat lady”.
So how do you kill it? The Toxoplasmosis when it’s inside of your body? Well a medical doctor will prescribe you pills, but then they have to mass transfer into the infected regions of the body (that takes time, is not always that efficient, and may have side-reactions). So, I would choose to blast the parasites with electromagnetic frequencies EMFs, specifically at their critical resonance frequency to vibrate the junk out of the nasty parasites and degrade them into bits and pieces that the body’s immune system can gobble up during a fasting cycle where autophagy occurs.
What are the critical resonance frequencies in off-the-shelf accessible audio equipment? This is called Rifing and was originally invented by Royal Raymond Rife [5]. If you research Rife, you’ll find a bunch of bogus junk and then some useful stuff. Bottom line is his machine was based upon the critical vibrational frequency of an organism and then zeroing in on it (e.g. calibrating it to replicate the organism’s critical resonance frequency) and then transmitting that frequency into a person or animal with the given “organism” to destroy it as validated by prior lab bench and then animal/people trials. Critical vibrational frequency or resonance is an established fact, so his tech’s basis to vibrate the junk out of something to kill it is sound with respect to science and math in my book.
434 Hz, 852 Hz [7]
395,000 Hz or 979.11 Hz and 19,665.89 Hz [8]
There are additional frequencies listed in The Rife Handbook
Note: per Rife, he recommended using a square wave signal generator with a spiked leading edge. In order to achieve higher power dosing, higher frequencies help (e.g. the 395,000 Hz) of the frequencies listed above. I’ll publish some more info. Rifers tend to sweep from the lower range to the upper range. The subject matter expert Rife’s work, based upon my personal R&D is Nenah Sylver, PhD
Based upon my reverse engineering of a ton of neurological dysfunction and weapons since ChinaCCP did a failed neuroweapon hit job on me in 2022, isolating the spying using wetware, degradation, using key signals and EMF and then the “vulnerable” period where I was immuno-compromised due to the neuroweapon attack, where stuff that normally would not have messed with me messed with me led me to this conclusion. Note, this is not medical advice, but if any NDs, MDs want to collaborate on a peer reviewed study based upon this get in contact with me.
Toxoplasmosis is considered to be a leading cause of death attributed to foodborne illness in the United States. More than 40 million men, women, and children in the U.S. carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. However, women newly infected with Toxoplasma during or shortly before pregnancy and anyone with a compromised immune system should be aware that toxoplasmosis can have severe consequences [1]. You can compromise your own immune system with hair dyes laden with metals and heavy metals [2]. You can also have your immune system compromised due to a neuroweapon with slug of metals and heavy metals mixed with synthetic biology.
The term “Cat Lady” or derogatory form “Crazy Cat Lady” is due to the combination of an unclean environment, owning cats and using hair dyes and coloring [2,4]. Over time the metals bioaccumulate from the hair coloring products to high enough levels for concern and help build parasites
The words “cat”, “lady”, “crazy” can be represented by venn diagrams that intersect on a specific population
I have some future work in this space and will publish a brief after assembling and testing a system some time in the future. There is also a group in Iceland, last I checked in 2023 working on Rife Frequencies with an electrode unit, but they are choosing to go direct current electrical (which feeds synthetic biology, quicker I think than wireless, so I prefer wireless to minimize any unintended synthetic biology (morgellons growth, unintended)).
Personally, I would think the most at risk profession would be the “professional hair dresser” for toxiplasmosis, if they own cats, as they come into contact with lots of metals (or at least used to). Remember, after they retire the dormant or active, but abated parasite can ramp-up and mess with you. Further, we now have to deal with synthetic biology. So, what do you get when an immunocompromised person is exposed to toxoplasmosis and synthetic biology at the same time (some weird synthetic version of toxoplasmosis? yeh, that’s where Rife transmitters are very useful in my professional opinion as well as minimizing heavy metal contamination).
Now and into the future the combined existence of synthetic biology and this parasite, toxoplasmosis as well as other parasites should be a major concern for any CDC or Bioweapons countermeasures group. What happens when you blend morgellons and toxoplasmosis? Seriously, this is some nasty stuff and we got all the ingredients everywhere in the world now, especially with ChinaCCP’s pollution with coal heavy metals dumping into the atmosphere (India too, but they don’t flaunt their clean footprint to the West as much s China does, so calling out ChinaCCP).
List of References:
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health by Nenah Sylver, PhD
Dr. John Garvey work with Rife Machines as referenced in The Rife Handbook
Dr. Hulda clark references working with Rife machines and The Rife Handbook
URL (version: 2020-01-16):
Here's some additional Rife resources:
Suggesting without his knowledge: ND Wil Spencer @Patient Advocate Bulldog has science/tech background- possible peer collaborator.