Health and Wellness for Brain Health 104: Samples Before and After Rifing with Chealtors in Near Field
Here is evidence of successful healing from adversarial wetware and bioweapons in times of unrestricted warfare.
Here is a photograph that demonstrates what I am doing to heal is working, in case anyone needs visual data to comprehend the power of prayer, chelators (mega dosing with vitamin C), hydration with salted water, ELF, near field transmitter and rife frequencies transmitted at the critical resonance hits of a bioscan for the fungus based adversarial wetware and subsequent biofilm fallout.
Middle is salted water, left is typical urine color without rifing and right is rife urine with adversarial wetware and biofilms removed.
Hey, just so I am certain I understand, are you proposing that the disabled tech is being excreted (in urine, etc) due to the protocols and that your system is recovering as this process continues? Because that would be awesome!