Neurohacking 205: Cybersecurity equipment for EMF and Optogenetics
The equipment listed here is what I utilize when working on sensitive work.
Neurohacking 205: Cybersecurity equipment for EMF and Optogenetics
The equipment listed here is what I utilize when working on sensitive work. It blocks most neurotechnology SIGINT attacks, but fails on magnetic field attacks (transverse and scalar wave) as well as vibrational (place it on a float table in an anechoic room stops the vibrational).
In order to block the magnetic field attack vectors (transverse first) this equipment needs to be in a SCIF with nickel alloy shielding such as MuMetal or comparable.
In order to block the scalar wave, superconductor or use second derivative effects in a rotating magnetic field with scalar and transverse waves with a bunch of isolated brains to add neuron scatter to the SQUID receivers.
Then to defeat the mesogen, graphene and nanotech wetware spy tech, scan body in through an electron cascade transmitter upon entry and exit to remove what came in on you and then purge what you worked on.
National Security Level Neurosecurity for all Businesses competing against ChinaCCP Coalition to keep your IP safe and secure. Door locks and other conventional security also are required, guards now with neurotech wars good luck, narrow AI islanded better.
One person at a time in the SCIF with smartphones left in a locker blockbox outside of the SCIF or in the DMZ zone like in a Network Operating Center (NOC), where I first got experience with one in high school.
This covers the basic block and tackling on neurosecurity and cybersecurity for important tip-of-the-spear work. Oh, and I almost forgot, don't even think about it outside of the SCIF ... any of it. Then further watch out for subliminal polygraph machines to dig into your mind as well.