Neurohacking 415: NATO Alliance Cognitive Warfare
Whether you've realized it or not, synthetic biology and neurotechnology are now pervasive. Here is a summary of NATO's latest Cognitive Warfare overlaid with personal neuroweapon countermeasures.
NATO’s plan to counter persistent state cognitive threats, e.g. neurohackers from ChinaCCP alliance and other nation stateless groups that threaten democracy is a full roll-out of Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS with countermeasures to defeat “NeuroStrike” based attacks as I described in detail through the following publications:
Neurohacking 407: Black Swan Attack Method & Tactics
Neurohacking 411: Codex Based Persistent State Cognitive Hack
Neurohacking 412: Codex Based Persistent State Cognitive Remote Kill
Therefore, several of the “persistent state threats” that NATO Alliance is referencing are itemized in the three prior Neurohacking publications (407, 411, 412).
NATO references proactively shaping the environment to minimize cognitive weapon attacks. What this means is that there are a bunch of reset points and surface areas through use of EMF spectrum, inclusive of optogenetic reset. In otherwords, you have a baselined “Brain Map” and then if changes differ significantly from it (e.g. you’re getting neurohacked by an adversary via byte type attack or directed energy weapon, non-kinetic-threat nkt) then the system, utilizing synthetic biology, inside of your body will notify the AI BCPS to engage the threat (cyber for byte-based attacks (e.g. neurotechnology hardware pipelines with content) or physical (directed energy weapon, electronic warfare stuff from the spectrum (e.g. microwave. LRAD, laser)).
The main focus is on the NKT attacks through byte-based pipelines and content channels as well as the use of local surrogates that have their own bioradio transmitters or nanotech that can “tag” someone currently not in ChinaCCP AI BCPS coalition “social credit monitoring system firewall” within the borders of democratic nations (this is referencing Xi’s Magic Weapon, ChinaCCP PLA).
So, how to defeat a byte-based attack? Simple, use data in the flow and route the pipelines through big tech firms I/O in your own nation state to strip-out and remove the embedded NeuroStrike codexes and optogenetic delivery systems. This requires AI and not all counter-defenses will work. Basically, once a statistically significant number of people get killed or hacked, the AI BCPS picks up on it and then builds its’ own counter strike and defenses around the latest neurohacker (AI enabled attack). This sounds scifi, until you actually get shot-up with a neuroweapon and then you do what I did and reverse engineer the attack vectors and understand the lay of the land in terms of synthetic biology, neurohacking, surrogates, cyborgs and the unknown unknowns. Sorry, NATO, jumping the gun and publishing this instead of later in 2024, had to add some clarity so people know what we’re up against with respect to ChinaCCP NeuroStrike (PLA - Xi Magic Weapon). People need to ditch ChinaCCP NeuroStrike pipelines (hardware made in ChinaCCP specifically) and content now vs. wait.
5G+ and AI BCPS is part of real-time national defense strategy that utilizes both transverse waves and longitudinal:scalar waves for biodefense, bioinformatics, bioenergetics, national security EW defense, and of course communications for civilians to call family, friends and do business.
However, the 5G network opens up new vulnerability attacks, as stated in the slide 15 below. While the Radio Area Network (RAN) gets a security upgrade with directionality (e.g. directed communications point to point, when there are no significant obstructions, thus eliminating man-in-the-middle type cellular emulator attacks), it opens up additional more nefarious attacks, inclusive of neurotechnology neurohacker attacks, first enabled through cybersecurity or signals breach. When 5G+ can’t penetrate into a given building or location, the RAN downgrades to 4G (e.g. longer wavelength, to penetrate the infrastructure and connect your smart phone).
[2] US DoD Army Cyborg Work AD1083010 - Neuroweapon Vulnerable
[4] PDF Presentation “DoD 5G Overview” by Dr. Joseph B. Evans “evans_isart2020.pdf”