Neurohacking 910: Political Psychotronic Marketing Campaign Services
What if for the fraction of current big media and news coverage you could transmit a psychotronic signal to bring subconscious awareness to your cause?
Political Psychotronic Marketing Campaign
How much does your political campaign spend on marketing and advertising, online, newspapers, billboards, special events by invitation owners for high net worth donors. What if for the fraction of current big media and news coverage you could transmit a psychotronic signal at night that would permeate your community, such that a month before election everyone would have you in their mind? Political campaign services utilizing psychotronic transmitters rely on a mixed signal with a higher carrier wave frequency to heterodyne an individual and up to an entire town, such that their political views are changed in your favor. This is all legal in United States of America, as American citizens have zero neurorights.
If you’ve gone through a democratic election process in the past and haven’t been ware of psychotronic marketing and advertising for political campaign purposes, then you’re behind the times 70 years, cause that’s how long your opponents have been winning with this covert technology. If you’re interested in psychotronic services for political advantage, to have an unfair advantage, either call your local CIA or NSA agency and ask for their service to help you (the FBI is just the public face of the actual agencies with this technology in their portfolio), which they always have running in the background, ping a small business owner for psychotronic marketing and advertising services, that reverse engineered an entire and failed neuroweapon attack that failed due to successful countermeasures. Note, psychotronic transmitter technology, also called voice-to-skull V2K can also be used on vending machines and other devices to literally dive into someone’s mind and get them to purchase one of your products.
Services include hardware and software as well as AI and Computer Vision, Machine Vision and LLMs. Temporary or permanent installation, with intake form to filter out any nefarious use cases, above and beyond what our own CIA and NSA have utilized this technology for (e.g. that is where crossing the line in the sand is written for our work).