News 10004: Here is what is actually happening in the world. World is at neurowar.
News brief 10004, the world is at neurowar. We are in WW3 and NATO has their AI BCPS and ChinaCCP has their AI BCPS and neuroweapons are used to penetrate AI BCPS and superweapon shields.
Here is what is actually happening in the world. 5th / 6th Generation warfare, neurowar and neuroweapons are being utilized to pierce nation state national security Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical Systems BCPS. China has their AI BCPS and NATO has their AI BCPS. However, China has pierced NATO’s AI BCPS with their neurostrike (e.g. Xi’s Magic Weapon that is fielded by PLA and their IC groups and corporate proxies, ByteDance). [1,4]
The ChinaCCP AI BCPS neuroweapon platform called NeuroStrike can poach brains and bodies from other nations and plunk them down into a virtual ChinaCCP technocommunisum meta reality, while the person is totally obvlious they have been mind napped. If you are a scientist or engineer then ChinaCCP not only manipulates you unknowingly, but also steals your trade secrets, IP and business nodal relationships for recursive data mining and Brain theft. If you are military or defense industrial base then after data mining you the AI tries to kill you. How do I know this? Cause ChinaCCP neuroweapon hit job on me in 2022, CTO, failed to kill me and our team and I reverse engineered the persistent state threat AI BCPS, enabled by Tik Toker surrogates in America. [3]
ChinaCCP and their proxies (neurotech'd fully at this point) are trying to penetrate both Russia and America through their neurostrike (Xi's Magic Weapon that PLA has globally fielded) to take over both Russia and America's superweapon aresenal that the public does not know about.
New physics weapons are better than thunderbolts and Russia and America both possess these superweapons that can transit time domain.
Superweapons are based upon new physics (e.g. tech that is based on the vacuum, scalar waves that travel at 1.5 times the speed of light). for data to back all this up.
List of References
[5] Adobe Stock Images