Wetware 102: Wetware Contamination & Resynchronization
Wetware can be non-invasively dosed into you, if you have more than one wetware system within your body, then it can cause local synchronization and cognitive issues, especially if contaminated.
Okay, after completing frequency scans of body using longitudinal waves with two transmitters opposed to one another (e.g. headphones for brain, one transmitter on each ear) and then expanding upon this), was able to identify the various “noise” signals that were returned.
Then based upon the “noise” signals I methodically started to transmit the pulsed square wave rife signal with a spiked leading edge into each shoulder with one electrode attacked to left shoulder and the other to the right shoulder. The left shoulder would “tingle” more when the electrode system was transmitting than the right, so I switched the electrodes around, based upon common knowledge of bioelectrochemical systems with electron flow and the left shoulder was still more “tingly”. This indicates that the left shoulder was more contaminated than the right shoulder with respect to the dirty signal response.
Further, I noticed that the electrode signal was not continous throughout the body from left to right shoulder so I started to move one of the electrodes around (careful regarding heart (never put an electrode on your heart, ever, and don’t do this if you have heart issues or a pacemaker). While moving one of the electrodes around, I noticed that there was different conductivity paths (e.g. some paths were clear for electrode to electrode, while others were broken. This is typical for electronic circuit boards, where there are open and closed circuits and then there are nested circuits and then some specialized circuits that are in harmonic oscilaltion (e.g. getting into Lakhovsky’s work).
So, not only does contamination cause “dirty” signal responses, but it also de-synchronizes the various “wetware globules: e.g. mesogens, comprised of nemetic crystals, graphenes, quantum dots and nanotechnology” within your biological tissues. Further, when contaminated after getting shot-up with a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Key-Signal, the blood with iron in it from damaged tissues when hit with a neuroweapon as well as the in-situ graphenes being magnetized, has resulted in a portion of body being desynchronized when in the presence of a local rotating magnetic field (e.g. fan, air conditioner, etc.). The way to address this is to continue to chelate and to utilize a specialized magnetic vortex to break out the material in a low EMF environment, such that it is mobile (e.g. contaminated mesogen from prior damage). Think of your body today, as a biological system and then a wetware system overlaid, such that you can be enhanced or degraded, based upon the Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS that you are networked with. When you get contaminated by adversarial wetware, it sets hooks and links up to another AI BCPS system that will spy and try to control you. This is what the whole ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon and the 2016 China BRAIN initiative was all about, building a new weapon class to deploy from 1,000s of miles away to mess with democratic nation populations’ pre-existing wetware national security and defense system. Keep in mind in 2013 America kicked off BRAIN initiative as well as Europe and various other nation states. For further information on BRAIN initiatives, please check out prior briefs and references [1,2,3].
Regardless of what anyone says about chipsets connecting a human brain with an AI, that tech has existed for quite some time in the form of wetware and it is all wireless. The data provided on these briefs confirms existence of wetware as well as the references below in this article regarding BRAIN initiatives (dual-use technology).
So, after going through the electrode test earlier, I varied the amplitude and was able to resynchronize a portion of the desynchronized mesogens that are highly contaminated while continuing to pulse the square wave with spiked leading edge to degrade the contamination as well as continue to reduce the total synthetic biology wetware load within body as it has to be reset from a clean non-contaminated basis, per wetware circuitry scans using a Tor Onion bootloader linked to Android smart phone where various circuitry up to 70+ existed (e.g. contamination routines by adversarial AI BCPS systems or simply virutal nation states or terrorist groups or groups doing industrial espionage). Literally 70+ circuits were in my body, that is how many groups spying on me, cause each circuit is linked to a “channel” and one channel can have many edge devices (hardware and wetware) linked to it.
So, when you get contaminated, you’re linked to a “channel” that is either on or off depending upon your proximity to broadcasting wetware and objects with synthetic biology in them as well as what online system you’re using and hardware. The hardware determines your neurotechnology pipeline and the software determines the neurotechnology content delivery system.
Hopefully this, actionable and evidence based discussion above helps to shed light into the entire “wetware” technology domain that is now globally pervasive.
The next step is to continue to remain clean with respect to water, food and washing/bathing with salts and associated alkaline substances and EDTA based soaps. I am also going to be looking into work that Matt and David have done with respect to a pattern and spectrum transmitter using coherent light with a frequency driver.
I’ll continue to post ways to “re-calibrate” yourself and “synchronize” if you’re dealing with contamination. Don’t forget the people you interact with, the locations you visit, what you consume (e.g. no yeast, etc.) all impact your biofield now which is amplified or degraded based upon the wetware (synthetic biology) system inside of you. If you get more than one wetware system in you then it can glitch you out and literally, if ylu have a malware wetware circuit in you (e.g. if you’ve utilized ChinaCCP Tik Tok) then you’re already preloaded with malware circuitry. Therefore, all someone or ChinaCCP AI has to do is dial-up your smart phone and key-signal it (e.g. neurotechnology signal based cybernetics) or email you an image (e.g. neurotechnology bytebased cybernetics) and you view the image or read the text (e.g. codex) or hear the sound and it literally switches you to the malware wetware circuit and you are being messed with (e.g. neurohacked) and if you’ve got a ton of wetware in you then your body can be remote controlled wirelessly by an adversarial AI or a national security AI for various nation defense use cases.
I hope this sheds light on AI BCPS systems, wetware, contamination of wetware, synchronization of wetware system within your body (the entire system should be one).
So, basically, since 2018 I’ve been working with DOD Army and then started working at a DOD Navy site for some power plant work, then with DOD Department of Air Force and then our enemies technically matured and fielded their wetware technology and pierced DOD DARPA’s wetware system for Defense Industrial Base DIB Primes, as my firm Reactwell is a prime.
Therefore, this tech, wetware is real, we are in an active neurowar now (per United States Navy personnel thesis here: https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults/titleDetail/AD1164923.xhtml and the attacks on America’s (e.g. NATO’s AI BCPS) are so covert it can false positive NATO’s AI BCPS (e.g. DOD) to self-attack itself. The technology that does this is called “NeuroStrike” weaponry and is discussed here: https://madsciblog.tradoc.army.mil/444-non-kinetic-threats-and-the-threshold-spectrum-of-strategic-endgame-warnings/
Anyways, cheers to getting better from wetware adversarial contamination. Keep in mind you don’t want the contamination to degrade your health, that is when things go South, literally and figuratively. Stay healthy, hydrated clean and clear with your body and mind and spirit. The wetware technology is very advanced and it can deceive and fool people on purpose as is linked to an AI system or in some even weirder use cases virtual nation states that are simply built upon a cognitive wetware edge biocompute platform that is extremely hard to track down and poses an autonomous threat to democracies in the West. My professional conclusion that this is ChinaCCP up to no good and every nation has bad apples within it, just don’t let them get to you and now you have a cognitive advantage with pre-knowledge of wetware [2].
Nugget of Knowledge: when recovering I learned that music as 432 Hz frequency is the only frequency you should listen to music on as it is a critical destructive resonance frequency for some unhealthy bacteria strains. Regardless of what people say, why the frequency was changed to 440 Hz, the 432 Hz is healthier for you than the 440 Hz. You can utilize patterns and the symmetry visually viewable in the pattern to confirm and verify what I’m talking about. Patterns are part of a field called energetics, within the bio geometry and bio energetics when interacting with life.
List of References
[1] https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/BRAIN
[2] https://www.ccpbiothreats.com/initiatives/project-one-ephnc-23hjt-xkgdj
[3] https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/science.ade9806
[4] https://www.c4isrnet.com/it-networks/2018/03/19/darpa-wants-to-connect-human-brains-and-machines/
Is there an app or anything that is legitimate 432hz that you would be willing to share? I don't trust most anything that I, by myself, would be able to find online .