Wetware 125: ChinaCCP Great Firewall enables Technocommunism Surveillance and CCP AI BCPS Wetware Directly Controls People
ChinaCCP is continuing to ramp up their attack on democratic nation states through their Great Firewall and AI BCPS with wetware. Public discussion by Western governments is focused on the firewall.
Here is the world’s most sophisticated authoritarian surveillance state: ChinaCCP and here is a committee meeting by America’s house select committee focused on countering ChinaCCP. The house select committee only discusses the hardware and software side, but leaves out the wetware. CCP’s objective is to link people in (e.g. poach them) by growing fungus and mold, rope worm genomic based wetware internal to democratic nation states and plunk them into CCP’s great firewall for technocommunism surveillance via the people’s eyeballs, ears and senses for CCP covert attack on democratic nation states.
List of References
]1] https://selectcommitteeontheccp.house.gov/committee-activity/hearings/great-firewall-and-ccps-export-its-techno-authoritarian-surveillance