Wetware 141: COVID Reverse Engineered, it is a Neurostrike on the world by technocommunists.
In hacking CCP PLA I hacked their covert "NeuroStrike" is a sneak attack on the world utilizing nearly every available advanced technology humankind knows, inclusive of quantum and near-field.
ChinaCCP PLA unleashed Sars-Cov-2 into the world. COVID is the resultant product of the proteins created in the human body from spikes and synthetic nanotechnology shredding at the genomic level a human's ability to live freely.
Then COVID grows into macro scale wetware linked to neurotechnology hardware chipsets and local flora, fauna and electrical/electronics before it then becomes a bonafide mutant strain "virtual nation state network".
CCP is all about network warfare, now at the genomic level for surround, enclose and capture through "reality engineering".
Call it like it is, COVID is adversarial wetware for cognitive capture and population controls deployed by the technocommunist CCP regime on the world. www.electrostasis.com even a mosquito linked to a various COVID strain, if that strain's wetware circuit is integrated in your body can "glitch you out" when you observe it (e.g. look at it).
Sars-Cov-2 is part of CCP PLA Xi's "Magic Weapon" and supply chain attacks to input “parts” (think iGEM repository) into democratic nation state supply chains is CCP’s objective. There is no such thing as "Magic" just advanced technology.
[1] https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/chinas-coronavirus-cover-up/
[2] https://merics.org/en/comment/covid-19-and-ccp-who-said-chernobyl\