Wetware 145: DNA-H field bioresonance and coupling Venn Sets for Electronic Harassment
Here is another electronic harassment technique that some groups utilize to spy, covert manipulate and then covert murder and remove the person from earth.
I’m continuing to chip away at the evil groups utilizing DNA-TX for electronic harassment globally on earth. This brief goes into how it works and how you can defend yourself against it.
Under no circumstance do not provide DNA to a company that is owned by CCP. I created the Electrostasis Project at www.electrostasis.com an American owned private company 100% project by me, to address and counterstrike electronic harassment and the associated adversarial uses via wetware and have been successful in reverse engineering the covert systems by “brute force” and “smart data flow hacks and spectrum hacks” to attack CCP AI BCPS and while attacking CCP, I ellucidated the associated national security system inner workings through the pierced system from CCP data flows and erroneous resulting false-positive NATO data flows that CCP utilizes go glitch out NATO.
When you get into DNA transmissions (e.g. DNA TX), the technology works from Telsa that Meyl in Germany refined, you will find that the tech works very well at transmitting information within the H-field at 140,000 km/s per Meyl’s work in Germany.
When someone’s body or DNA is physically located or at a distance located within the same harmonic resonance of a given H-field then the person’s DNA communications become coupled to the given set. Fore example, take this Venn diagram below:
The set of people in top left circle P1, top right circle P2 and bottom middle circle P2 are within a given frequency domain.
One can then utilize linear algebra to then overlay P1 with P2, resulting in P3, e.g. { P1 U P2 = P3 } in linear algebra terms. The P3 is then biosynchronized and the remaining P1 and P2 less P3 is not synchronized with P3.
Now here is where CCP PLA Bioweapons, enabled by genomics and neurotechnology for adversarial self-replicating wetware capitalizes on the infiltrated Union of P1 with P2 segment of the population. Let’s say P1 is NATO and P2 is CCP BRICs. What CCP is doing is then utilizing the union P3 population set that has CCP adversarial wetware in it to then couple wetware non-invasively dosed (e.g. wire tap inside of the body) to NATO wetware through tunnelling and burrowing through and into NATO AI BCPS. This is how CCP is covert attacking and stealing information, brains and bodies from NATO, with CCP genomic bioweapons utilizing wetware and neurotechnology.
If I pick a person within P1 and P3 and know either their DNA or synthetic biology based IPv6 MAC or Bluetooth Physical Address per IPv6 standards then I can create a unique brainpool synthetically and biologically.
Example: How can someone biologically synchronize a set of brains to place in a common brain pool?
Answer: Utilize the electrical grid as the National Security Agencies utilize for synchronization of brains. Utilize an ELF psionic transmitter as the National Security Agencies utilize. Utilize a DNA-TX system to poach a brain from thousands of miles away and link with a brain pool in your own nation state (e.g. CCP is up to).
Example How can someone synthetic biology synchronize a set of brains to place in a common brain pool?
Answer: utilize the IPv6 MAC address, synthetic biology: mesogen nemetic crystal and graphenes that get calibrated each time the person links up with their smart phone to local cell tower and then into National Security System, Bluetooth, Wifi and any other wireless protocol, including space systems. The entire earth now has transmitter and receiver systems in low earth orbit, in addition to geostationary Iridum 2, and if your wetware is not secure, then you can get neurohacked bad.
One of the ways theives do this is through use of a SIM card, don’t use a SIM card anymore, completely insecure, use an eSIM. If you still have a SIM Card phone dumpster fire it. Using a SIM card is just as bad as using 4G LTE omnidirectional antenna these days. Use 5G+ mmWave eSIM enabled phones only going forward, else you’ll get hacked via wetware, it is what is is. You can start hack-a-sat and go after CCP satellites, which is what I’m doing to give CCP headaches, since I figured out this electronic harassment junk.
P.S. Ivermectin helps to destroy the circuitry from wetware by CCP, this is why Ivermectin works so well against COVID (e.g. the politically correct term for “adversarial wetware and non-invasive nanotechnology). Do not buy Made in China and avoid any CCP owned corporations like the plague, cause it is electronic poison to democratic nation state citizens, DIB, mil and gov at home and at work. Chinese people are good, the CCP is horridly evil.
Excellent analysis and intel! Sent you a PM! From whence do you derive this information?
Proof: Obama’s SES stay-behind Army
is running America’s 5G space program
In the process of digging up Serco contracts, AFI/AIM researchers
discovered multi-billion dollar contracts to another shadowy organization
named The Aerospace Corporation.
What is this The Aerospace Corporation?
The Aerospace Corporation directs the coming,
unnecessary, physically harmful 5G
electromagnetic WiFi smog system
The announced plan to implement 5G WiFi from space is a treat to
the whole world. Evidently, this space policy is being driven by The
Aerospace Corporation.
5G is not needed for faster WiFi. New technologies already exist to
transmit high speed WiFi via light. It makes 5G primitive.
However, assuming their eugenics motivation, 5G can be used to literally fry your brain with
milliwave-level radio waves targeted to different parts of your brain. It can also be used to read
your emotions via bio-chemical sensors. Look it up.
Call to Action
The Aerospace Corporation is an illegal, SES run space program that must be defunded and shut
down immediately.