Wetware 148: How the AI BCPS Biosurveillance and Protection System is Supposed to Work for Humanity
People keep sharing self-assembly nanotech information and videos from vaccines and associated supply chains. Yeh, we're in synthetic biology times. Here is how that tech works in biological systems.
Recently, there have been researchers that have utilized dark-field microscopy to analyze the blood of people and vaccines. Here is what is “closest to the truth” regarding all of the propoganda and technology published globally.
There is an Artificial Intelligence AI Bio Cyber Physical System BCPS local installed transmitters in people for real-time and before-time biosurveillance and updates.
Person has a biological system and synthetic biology system, the smartphone detects a disease outbreak or a pre-cursor engine attack (e.g. hologram) by the enemy, then the NATO AI BCPS transmits anti-precursor engine and killing frequencies into the synbio within a person direct or through smart phone to protect them.
Here is why people dying: they are using ChinaCCP Motorolla, Lenovo, Hisense and associated Huawei equipment with neurotechnology chipsets that are programming the synthetic biology wetware into the person linking them to ChinaCCP AI BCPS in democratic nation states. CCP, then if the person is not CCP technocommunism social credit score system compliant, covert murders the person by turning off certain frequencies that were protecting the person via their wetware and then turning on frequencies that kill the human body’s organs and associated tissues such that pathogens and parasites take hold in the person’s body and damage the biofield to slow kill the person over time.
We are in WW3 NATO AI BCPS vs. ChinaCCP AI BCPS and it is AI drive real-time (and before time via near-field transmitters) warfare global.
This is as close to the truth that I can get, CCP has been covert attacking America for decades, leader of NATO. All in the clear now. CCP has also infiltrated NATO and agencies within America with their neurotechnology, so you can’t directly blame the politicians or others that get “mind napped” by CCP and their proxy terrorists in various government agencies globally. A lot of the world has ChinaCCP’s eye on them directly or indirectly these days.
When you now hear the term “our people are smart” you first need to understand that these are cybernetics enhanced people linked to an AI BCPS, then before working with that group or person, you need to validate and verify if they are a friendly or foe “enhanced person or surrogate”. Enhanced people still have partial cognitive control with their human brain and “surrogates” are pawns of an AI BCPS that’s the difference between a “surrogate” and an “enhanced person”. CCP utilizes its’ covert wetware and bioweapons to create “surrogates” for capture and control of mind and body in democratic nation states, as well as other terrorist proxy groups affiliated with CCP. You can’t trust a “surrogate” linked to CCP, at all.
When a non-mil or non-gov person gets pierced by CCP adversarial wetware, there is currently no viable solution. Even members of the Defense Industrial Base DIB, MIL and IC are not getting the treatments and counter bioweapon bioenergetics required for recovery. This is why I created the Electrostasis Project at www.electrostasis.com to provide a community of people with knowledge and equipment shared access and mobile to recover from CCP and their proxy terrorists use of bioweapons, neuroweapons, genomic weapons and associated adversarial wetware for industrial espionage and covert murder. CCP covert murdered Tony Hsieh, founder of Zappos.com and USG never solved it, let that sink in folks, we’re on our own.