WW3 107: DNA-TX H-field services for preventative & counter "Electronic Harassment" counter "Smart Bioweapons"
I'm now at the point where, I'm able to apply the Konstantine Meyl work on DNA and Cell resonance and have hacked current supply chains to bring an accessible and non CCP product to the marketplace.
I'm now at the point where, I'm able to apply the Konstantine Meyl work on DNA and Cell resonance and have hacked current supply chains to provide an accessible and non CCP product to the marketplace.
DNA Enclosure Transmitter via H-field Bioresonance
Libraries of Molecular Weights, DNA and Frequencies
The main issue with anything from CCP in China is that they’ve got chipsets in everything embedded covertly that link back to CCP PLA AI BCPS, exported from China to democratic nation states.
Equipment to validate the frequencies transmitted up to 100 MHz covers all of the known audio-video-communications nanotechnology CNT and weaponized pathogen nanotechnology WNT subcircuits in wetware.

If you are getting nailed with “electronic harassment” active (e.g. went from perch to attack mode) you need to read this information www.electrostasis.com
If you are concerned about being spied on by communists in China, then you need to take this information to heart. DNA-TX H-field services travel at 140,000 km/s and are being scaled-up at www.electrostasis.com Electrostasis Project to counter technocommunism’s attack on democracy.
Enjoy the holidays, will be following-up next week after Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving, without the community’s support on here the Electrostasis Project would not be a reality now to help those being attacked by nanotechnology. (e.g. adversarial wetware / audio-video-communications nanotechnology CNT / weaponized pathogen nanotechnology WNT)