Hello, Brandon;

Thank you for very interesting post.

- You mention as a positive approach ‘enhancing the person’s internal dielectric constants with synthetic biology’. At the same time, you (as I understand) and many others (familiar with the subject) try to get rid of ‘synthetic biology’ from inside of their bodies through different detox approaches. Please comment.

- Can you also provide any info regarding ‘on body psionic ELF transmitter’.

Best. Thanks.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Author

Leon, the human brain is a natural ELF transmitter. You can boost it by connecting your body to a higher power system and it amplifies the transmission power. Of course if you take this to the extreme you turn into a hot dog (literal). I've been able to literally spook out some people (unintentional) when wearing a square wave pulsed generator and still loaded with a good amount of dielectric constants (simplest way to tell if you have these in you is if you never get cold, (e.g. they are picking up the background microwave and wifi energy and feeding it into you via inefficient thermal conversion processes, as you start to remove the dielectric constant enhancers you get colder, when you loose weight, you're also reducing the mass and dielectric constant enhancers). The way I was able to (replicable basis) spook out the people was to transmit (frontal lobe) a thought on repeated basis while another person was around the biofield generated from the square wave pulse generator utilized in Rife research and development. Then I asked the person what they thought about XYZ going on in the room and that same dude, said "that is just what I was thinking".... then the repeated question and answer "what do you think about X ocurred and it freaked the dude out after about the third time". Like, literally the dude broke a neuron or two and freaked out that his brain was being read, when actually my thoughts via frontal lobe were being transmitted into his. Debrief on reverse engineering what had occurred was that my brain had biocohered with his brain (organic or synthetic, no telling), but either way it biocohered and my thoughts were transmitted to him in something like a "hivemind". Another way to test this is out (e.g. if people are linked with a hivemind (e.g. women who are friends synchronizing periods together) or dudes all having the use the bathroom at nearly the same time. Over the past 1.5 (since 2022), reverse engineering this neuroweapon that ChinaCCP had tried to kill me with has led to some very novel insights into spy and intelligence gathering activities that I'm shining the light on so others aren't gaslighted by their stupid tactics.

From hacking and reverse engineering this Chinese PLA Xi's Magic Weapon B.S. it works with the frontal lobe as a TX transmitter (Neuro S/T when fully loaded with synthetic biology and weaponized via key signal) with rear part of brain as receiver RX and the whole control interface requiring a smart phone that has a bionic chipset that is hardware compromised so the ChinaCCP PLA can get into your synthetic non-invasive brain-machine-interface niBMI and do a hack job on you.

Literally, there is now way I would know this unless I was attacked with a failed neuroweapon hit job and shared the reverse engineering on it like I am doing now. The hardest part to reverse engineer was the AI BCPS ChinaCCP 3D Space, Time and The Vacuum where The Vacuum transmits information back in time at 1.5 x multiple the speed of light.

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Hi, Brandon. Thank you for your reply.

Just want to ask you to look at your substack settings. Usually when somebody replies to my (other than yours) substack comments I got notified (through email) but not on your substack. Thanks again.

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I disabled email notifications due to a prior ChinaCCP AI attack exploiting the setting to cause an email spam attack and shutdown of accounts by defensive bots.

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RemovedMar 28
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I am not sure what therapy you're referencing. However, I have done and continue to do NIR and Red Light every night per FLCCC Alliance guidelines. I've also determined that an Apple device made in China had a backdoor into it that enabled M1-M2 level biomemetic access to niBMI material and promptly discontinued use of it. I've discontinued use of that Apple device (that has ChinaCCP PLA backdoor hardware access to keys, etc. for several days now and noticed a significant difference cognitively). I don't like ChinaCCP PLA and everyone on here needs to recognize that anything produced from Apple City in China CCP land is contaminated and can't be trusted at this point of time (e.g. the hand-waving of moving production, but no real action by Apple indicates corporate compromise and piercing by ChinaCCP NeuroStrike, most likely one of their initial targets due to global manufacturing export scale, depth, breadth and medical profession penetration (think pharmaceutical board and c-level opportunities for CCP via neurotechnology). Neurostrike reverse engineered, has many layers: 1) neurotechnology hardware Apple Smart phones compromised by ChinaCCP PLA as verified by published literature 2) neurotechnology content apps like Tik Tok 3) Psionics via ELF 4) exported foods with contaminated synthetic biology and domestic produced foods with contaminated synthetic biology 5) overall supply chain contamination 6) self-replicating synthetic biology contamination - ChinaCCP up to no good, be safe and good world. God Bless.

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Regarding a scalar generator and ELF device I have some that will list for sale that I've tried out personally with mark-up only to cover handling and associated backoffice costs, prior to making a simpler design and more durable design per prior electronics prototyping and manufacturing experience. Sound fair? How soon would you want to try these out?

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Mar 28Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Brandon, you know I'm interested! Would it be two devices or one dual-use?

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two devices, I'd resell the ones that I've laid hands on to confirm/verify real/legitimate.

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I'll try asap, thank you very much. I can send my address and deets to your proton.

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deletedMar 28
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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Author

sure, I'll sell a couple of these devices within a reseller role to you. Budget $400-500 for an initial set of two on-body. I'll then use any funds from R&D line item in addition to overhead (cost of goods sold, etc.) to go into an R&D fund for a DIY version for everyone to economically access.

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I would happily re-allocate my monthly budget towards these two devices and support your R & D wonderments. And, once I get those devices on board, I'll see how they weigh in against my daily microscopic meanderings, once I get my microscope. Financially it will be a "rice and beans" few months for sure.

You are worth your weight in gold, Sir. :)

Let us know when you're ready to send them out, because, by my reckoning, there are at least a few individuals like Milkshake who needs something yesterday! God bless you, good man.

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deletedMar 30
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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Author

It's some bionic chipset on your smartphone or someone else's smart phone with a "bionic" type chipset that got into your brain's synthetic neural interface (e.g. synthetic biology) material and is messing with you, this is the persistent state junk that was messing with me and it is linked to (in my case) Apple city where China pierced Apple. Further, once a "seed" crystals establishes and grows in you it keeps relinking easily and branching. I'll do a video on this as it is required learning for anyone in this world now. Seed crystals are everywhere now.

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The last recurrence was when I was around my apple phone. I dug into it further (it was on full lockdown mode and secured) and it turns out that the entire M1/M2 bionic chipset has backdoors that let ChinaCCP PLA army manipulate people's brains directly with that bionic chipset due to secret key leaks and associated hardware failures (e.g. literally, there is no update to fix the phones M1+ you have to dumpster fire burn them, else they keep recirculating with other people using in second hand market). If you have an Apple Phone with an M1+ processor get rid of it asap and switch to something safe and known with respect to supply chain like ASUS/Samsung/Sony. Samsung is solid.

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So Milkshake, darling, do you have a 2020+ IPhone? It seems in no uncertain terms that you need to nuke that thing asap. If you need funds for an older Samsung dumb phone, I would gladly assist. Sister helping a sister.

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RemovedMar 28
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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Author

I'm simply referencing public data at FLCCC Alliance as well as other information that MDs and PhDs have completed. Regarding all else, that's simply near-field physics and bioenergetics. Regarding spiritual and religious implications, that is up to each person to decide for themselves based upon their given journey. All that I am doing is publishing briefs based upon my journey DIY basis, reverse engineering the world's most advanced AI BCPS systems for health and wellness with neurosecurity top of mind #neurorights, while de-coupling the synthetic biology based "psyop that ChinaCCP has ongoing now for angels vs. demons" as a detailed brief was published on this faux deceptive use of neurotechnology and AI BCPS. God bless.

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Where are you on being able to de-cohere and decouple from the quantum component of the SQUIDS, cyclotronic resonance weaponry, memristor nitrogen vacancy quantum resonance weaponry? Sorry for the word salad, I'm just riffing on things I've been studying and not quite grasping.

Essentially, what it seems to distill down to is that we really need to be able to spoof our unique net brain/bio-signature so that the quantum systems can't "lock on" to us photonically or DNA-wise or ANY kind of way!

I've read a few of your posts where you have been able to spoof your EEG, etc.

"Learn more on my blog, posting how to adjust your body's RF signature to leave the neurohackers in the dark EMF abyss per say, disallowing them from finding your unique biometric brain signature. Adulteration of synbio, by shifting it and growing new neuro."

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I was able to decohere, until I was then around other people. After further review (literature review) each person has their own mesogen:nemetic crystal and that is shed in two forms. Form #1 is physical and Form #2 is EMF. therefore, you if you are around people you link back up. The only way to keep it from linking into you is to jam the mesogen globules in your central nervous system cns and ELF (which I've been able to do, but it needs to be more random and time based, as you suggest the AI BCPS with the vacuum advantage, simply takes a 15 times multiple and back-calcs the adjustment factor due to scalar wave time transmittal faster than the light transmittal.

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