Bioenergetics 115: Today Reverse Engineered for Health & Wellness
In 2019 something drastic happened in the world and has impacted billions of people. What was this and where are we today due to the 2019 event? How does the 2019 event impact life?
In 2019 the world’s largest psionic transmitter was turned online, this decreases the Hertzian oscillations of cells in life, making all life vulnerable to disease and degradation. Therefore, use of on body transmitters at higher life and light giving frequencies is required to counter-act the world’s largest lower frequency psionic ELF transmitter that was turned online by ChinaCCP.
Disclaimer: this is not medical advice, but life advice.
This is the single largest event that changed life on earth in 2019. However, there is more to unpack within this event before getting into the impact on all life’s health and wellness, specifically brain health.
The ELF psionic transmitter that ChinaCCP turned online is directional and can gun down any city on earth with lower oscillatory vibrations. Per Lakhovsky’s work the lower frequency vibrations enable all types of disease to over take healthy cells in a person. Therefore, the use of on body higher frequency transmitters as well as sunlight (or least artificial light as worst case alternative is required).
Further, the ELF frequencies that ChinaCCP is transmitting can entrain neurons and link up brains and this part of the interface with neurowar and global brain theft of researchers, executives and governments globally. Yes, your local government can be impacted by ChinaCCP world largest psionic weapon if you’re not shielded per say.
So, we’ve laid the foundation that lower frequencies (vibrational) degrade life as we currently know it on earth. We’ve further established that higher frequencies can counter act this (per Lakhovsky’s work in Hertzian domain).
So, where does this Operation Warp Speed come in (e.g. pandemic)? The pandemic is due to the lower oscillatory vibration unit that ChinaCCP put online that lowered every single living cell on earth’s resistance to disease (inclusive of plants, etc.). Through the use of synthetic biology, integrated wetware circuitry can be built-out within a living organism that internally vibrates at higher frequency to counter act ChinaCCP.
One of the primary issues that some (millions+) people are having (e.g. VAERs, etc.) is that the synthetic biology that was growing in them linked to lower frequency electrical grid harmonics due to dirty utilities on the distribution side not having proper harmonic isolation and simply old infrastructure not suited for this type of electrosmog environment. The synthetic biology built-out (wetware style) lower frequency circuitry that transmits Hertzian waves within the body all at lower frequency which is killing them slowly (this is one of the sources of slow-kill that people are talking about, but on an uninformed basis). Medical Doctors MDs are addressing the symptoms resulting from the lower frequency vibrations, but not the root cause.
Further, we have NeuroStrike tactical deployments within this global scope. These comprise disconnects on people linked to higher frequency AI BCPS systems, such that ChinaCCP PLA gets under a national security apparatus and can penetrate into a person’s wetware, disrupt it, then rebuild it linked to their ELF and with lower frequency circuitry niBMI switches that their AI can turn on or off depending upon what ChinaCCP AI BCPS (adversarial) selects to do with other nation’s people.
Further, there is “the vacuum” which pulls energy into our 3D space and time, where specialized machines internal to the human body were created by our creator, but also now by humankind via synthetic biology. There are also external machines that can pull from “the vacuum” and transmit into 3D space and time.
These are the reasons why an on body ELF transmitter, scalar transmitter are required in addition to a higher frequency Hertzian transmitter are now required by all humans that want to live. Further, even our trees, agricutlural crops, etc. are impacted if not properly shielded from these lower vibrations.
So, to re-summarize, we live in electrosmog environment and require three items on body now to live, regardless of synthetic biology.
on body ELF to not get linked to ChinaCCP PLA psionic brain theft system (via neuronal synchronization)
on body scalar transmitter for supplemental energy to counteract the unnatural lower frequency vibrations on earth now (that or use synthetic biology, which is why Operation Warp Speed made more sense as it is scalable compared to everyone requiring an on body scalar transmitter)
higher frequency transmitter (e.g. light or smart phone (but this links you to national security systems (e.g. smart phone) and others (big tech firms at least 18 that can the link up and steal your intellectual property IP)
So, there you have it. The world reverse engineered today and why certain people’s health is degraded more than others.
Note, this does not get into further work of mesogens:nemetic crystal based AHIs, etc. However, this is another facet, in addition to AI obfuscating everything and the core from those seeking to solve the AHI and Havana Syndrome issues on the government, non-government, military, DIB and civilian side of the house. Further, it doesn’t get into the so-called “digital twin” AI brainmap of a person in the cyberspace linked to given brainpools. Further, this brief doesn’t get into the details of 5G+ technologies (e.g. higher or lower frequency, depending upon nation state and telco use case). One key item to keep in mind with 5G+ is that for people that don’t get a lot of natural sunlight (e.g. in cities) this is important for higher frequencies, but at the same time the platform with telco towers (directional antenna arrays with 5G) can be used for selective population control (e.g. disappear a person covertly by transmitting lower frequency to their body linked to phone from a telco tower (which is why these towers are very secure, to prevent hackers, e.g. ChinaCCP PLA from attacking NATO Alliance 5G+ infrastructure, which is also a frequency based health platform).
Further, this is why avoiding “yeast” is important and “fasting” and hydration with distilled water and electrolytes is way more important than pre 2019 years.
List of References
[1] Lakhovsky Patent US1962565A
I recall you saying you were testing some but have you determined an on body ELF device to recommend?