I recall you saying you were testing some but have you determined an on body ELF device to recommend?

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Author

Currently, still testing and until I have data on the various manufacturer devices or DIY devices (e.g. building my own) can't vouch for any given manufacturer. Have to take data-driven decisions. That said, based upon reverse engineering so far to-date, having an ELF frequency transmitter different than ChinaCCP PLA is important for anyone, even Chinese inside of China or external to China to avoid the CCP brain control linkage. Note, a smart phone is probably also another ELF source, but then again that links you to the given nation state national security apparatus and keeps you still cognitively tethered, not a big deal for some, but after going what I went through, cognitive independence (e.g. neurorights) are top of mind for me. Remember, big tech can get access to that data too and resells that on second hand markets. Then there is also Open Society Foundation OSF that simply shares all the information to everyone, so no cognitive privacy at all, which also has its' set of mesogen:nemetic crystals. Further, all of these crystals enable synthetic brain-to-brain comms, above and beyond the DNA/RNA helical transmission systems that we were created with (Meyl's research is stellar on this, building upon Tesla's shoulders).

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Apr 16Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

If there are any DIY-guides it would be really helpful

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Apr 16Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

What about any recommendations for an on-body scalar wave transmitter? Or are you still researching these as well?

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I've confirmed that on body scalar transmitters work. My concern is the "pattern" utilized as the wrong pattern can help or degrade and I need to do more research into the specific pattern 2D and 3D. It is a legitimate concern. That said an on body ELF is also extremely important to counter ChinaCCP adversarial use of psionic ELF to degrade DNA and RNA. I can publish some safe frequencies on ELF through a separate briefing to be utilized on body to counter the ChinaCCP PLA world's largest psionic transmitter gunning down democracies globally (ChinaCCP can cover 2/3 of the world with this transmitter).

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deletedApr 30
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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Author

No Limits (e.g. Limitless). Sure, will do a specific brief regarding the use of "seeds" mesogens: nemetic crystals.

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deletedApr 16
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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Author

There are now at least 20+ groups with scalar as well as pre-cursor engine technology platform at various TRLs and deployment scales, inclusive of terrorist groups. The weapons are nearly unattributable. The difference is China let's others lease their weapons against the West. Since I'm in the West and turned down $$$ from ChinaCCP in 2021 then got shot-up with a neuroweapon stack in 2022 I talk about ChinaCCP.

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