
Could you please specify for your audience a good near field emitter? Inquiring minds want to know! I know you've probably mentioned that many times before, but pretend a new subscriber has just come on board!

Would a Spooky2 comprise a near field emitter? Would any old frequency generator do the trick? Remember that folks who find you may be neurologically compromised and may need a bit of hand holding to get them over the hump.

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I do not recommend any near field transmitter manufactured in ChinaCCP territory.

I'll do a post on the DIY near field transmitter with healthy pattern this month.

The entire transmitter should be hardware based and not software as software can get hacked easily. Hardware is hardwired to be safe, if constructed appropriately with toggle switch for various pattern activation.

Over time once quantum encryption included then will look at software.

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I was re-reading your seminal post, "Neurohacking 421: Force Field Generation to Repel Synthetic Biology". I believe you were saying that a Lakhovsky Coil would do the trick, although it's not very approachable. Are you making and selling these by chance? :)

To quote your good self:

"I. Local scalar wave generator that generates a force field cloud around your residence and work and vehicle. This tech is based upon several types of scalar wave generators that operate either in the potential field generation with quantum interaction to then interfere with EMF fields at local level (down to cellular). Basically, look at the cellular scalar wave repulsion of the Red Blood Cells RBCs to the synthetic biology. Then apply the same principles to a larger scale generator. What does a larger scale scalar wave generator look like that impacts the entire human body for starters? Based upon reverse engineering to-date these units can be large enough to protect your entire household or business or vehicle while it is in motion and repel nearly all synthetic biology around you, just like your cells do, but at macroscale."

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Okay I'm an RN u jabbed and have no idea what a near field transmitter is. Can you point me in the direction?

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Near field transmitters transmit the equivalent of "longitudinal waves: audio" through "the vacuum" and into "3D space-time". Here is a good read on near field transmitters https://www.k-meyl.de/go/index0f73.html

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Unjabbed dumb phone

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The issue is if you have wetware in your body and brain. please read the latest brief here on how to test yourself for contamination with wetware or a bioweapon: https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-438-self-test-diy-for

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