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Apr 20
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Here is where majority of so-called "chem-trails" come from. Airplane flys, the wings have lower pressure on top and higher pressure below, therefore the plane lifts and flys, but due to this there is a lower pressure created on exit of airflow from airplane wing that results in condensation of the water vapor (was invisible on entry to wing) and then when water vapor condenses it becomes visible on exit from airplane wing. Further, turbine engines are combustion engines that produce water as product. So, when a plane flys using conventional fuels it is adding water to the atmosphere through the combustion product, but then also shifting water from vapor phase into liquid phase (gets into wet bulb temperatures differences and saturation lines).

Therefore, when synthetic biology and coal power plant emissions are in the air by the water vapor there is limited drop-out from the atmosphere. However, when the emissions and synthetic biology rapidly get absorbed and adsorbed into the liquid water mixture, then you get the so called "chem-trails" (majority of them, as there is something called cloud seeding and other use cases of spraying for insect kill, agricultural, etc. these typically use lower flying king air type planes that drop the payloads).

Therefore all the so called "chem-trails" are is ChinaCCP coal power plant pollution with synthetic biology condensing out into the air and going from invisible (vapor phase) into visible spectrum to human eye with light (liquid phase) and then proceeds to fall out of sky (e.g. rain synthetic biology) due to the agglomeration from interaction with liquid water and the pollution present (synbio). This effect is further excerabated with all of the electrosmog which grows the synbio insitu, especially when it is mixed with water and metals. Some researchers call this mixture Cross Domain Bacteria CDB.

Does this answer your question?

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Apr 21Edited
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Extreme weather events are typically formed of cells of water (liquid), so when an extreme weather event occurs it drops out all of the synthetic biology from the atmosphere.

Here is a novel insight from an ancient book called the bible. There is mention of clouds with and without water in the bible. Let that one sink in and get this, it deals with people (unclean) most likely contaminated by synthetic biology from these clouds without rain (synthetic biology based). Quote "clouds without rain, blown along by the wind;" and in other translations "waterless clouds" Jude 1:12

Literally mind blowing, but that book is an instruction book to be a good human being. So that makes perfect sense those insights (e.g. nuggets of knowledge) would be tucked away in it.

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Apr 20Edited
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These are extremely weird times, directly due to active global neurowarfare and use of every type of attack vector, nano to macro-scale. We're in "unrestricted warfare" times, e.g. no ethics, catalyzed by ChinaCCP and other bad apples that place greed and love of money above all else.

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