Hello Brandon!

You've shared that you're eating "vegetables for the Copper in chlorophyll a/b that interacts with light (500 to 750 nm wavelength or so) and degrades unhealthy tissues as it bioaccumulates in the tissues (angiogenesis type) and then resonates at plasmon frequency bio-coherently with light to degrade the unhealthy tissue locally with heat.

Would you mind expounding a bit more on that? I ask because I intuitively have been taking lots of pure chlorophyll for months now and I'm keen to see you're recommending it for very specific purposes!

What do you mean by the copper in chlorophyll bio-coherently resonating with light at plasmon frequency? And how are you using heat to degrade the unhealthy (presumably biosynth-laden tissue)?

Sorry if those are dumb questions.....

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Toroid based magnetic fields with vibration degrade the synthetic biology (cross domain bacteria) which is disordered material and based upon Carnicom Institute's work the material synthesizes with three key ingredients (hydrogen peroxide H2O2, water and iron).

Regarding the plasmon use case, here are some specific videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mItrs7-8ihQ the concept is tag the nanoparticle with a ligand that is selective for binding to a cancer cell. The ligand is basically the key that fits into the lock on the cancer cell. That's the simplest analogy, precision nanomedicine (gold and silver nanoparticles have been preferential for conventional medicine). Regarding the copper, the concept is that nature, enabled by our creator, already has ligands or equivalent in the form of vegetables the copper complexed already, but more formal research needs to and is being looked into..

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