
Hello good sir.

Well, the scenario you present is quite overwhelming to counter, especially for those of us who don’t inhabit the kind of orbit you’re in, with your cool equipment and your experience in the field, so to speak.

What can the average noob do besides getting off of WiFi and all smart things, staying out of the orbits of the Neuro hacked, etc.

By optogenic shielding what do you recommend? Maybe something like these? Or glasses that are radio protective?


Where could one go to get a baseline EEG, short of going to the hospital or ER?

And, an aside regarding disruptive tech.....

I found an archived website with somewhat antiquated countermeasures that you may find interesting. Hint. Be prepared for a good jolt!


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The best analog I can put it is that getting neurohacked feels like the intellectual equivalent of being raped. I'm not saying the physical or mental or both overweighs one or the other, but it is the closest analogy (complete and utter violation) that I can try to make, but can't claim to fully understand in the physical term, but only mental.

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If you live in a more advanced city, there are biohacker, neurohacker and citizen scientist labs. In Los Angeles, CA there was a lab called "The Lab" that had a Caltech Ph.D running the program with iGem repositories.

Regarding optogenetic shielding, will write a very specific post on that, polarized and certain light wavelength blocking (depending upon what is inside of your visual cortex, person specific).

Baseline EEG, there is hardware available online now, just don't buy it from ChinaCCP coalition, else they'll have a backdoor into your brain via neurotechnology.

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Neurohacking 105: Basic Defense Course


Updates made to this post as well, based upon further successful reverse engineering with enteric coatings.

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Will review and update a post. I also take enteric coated chelators such as garlic with B12.

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