
Oh man, this is so quickly moving out of my sphere of comprehension and actionability. The supplements, the health countermeasures like footbaths, possibly the scalar and frequency countermeasures I can manage with a bit of coaching, but what you propose here is for the Mensa folk like yourself!

But now it seems that you are poised to move your ideas from the mind and experimental spaces to become more approachable and marketable to the average human who wants to permanently get out of the psychotic neuro-warfare space.

I look forward to that day, my friend! Hats off to your heroic efforts thus far.

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I'm not Mensa, I'm not special or consider myself special at all. Just persistent, to the point of reverse engineering all major nation state intelligence agency people management platforms (due to counterdefense actions required against a neuroweapon attack in 2022).

Will focus on useful cybersecurity for IT professionals to wrap their heads around. However, with the way niBMIs and BMIs work by routing the wireless data traffic first through the brain or gut of the person for biometric and synbio identification, the use of data in the flow "neurotech blinders" has most likely by now blinded majority of population when combined with big tech search engine results only returning searches for the specific codex, not general responses. Therefore, only highly technical programmers that know linux/unix type core operating systems and security measures can even probe into the neurotechnology space. Therefore, the majority of people who have found this site, are atypical, not in a good or bad way, just atypical (e.g. on-average not average).

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Hmm its a Pandoras box of possibilities when we consider possible positive and negative programsthat could be used to upgrade someone.

I'm not sure I'd be willing to play with that but an definitely interested in any hacks that could make us impervious to neurohacking.

At this point it seems like the controllers (whoever they are) are very interested in converting usinto digitized assets perhaps because they have seen via remote viewing some kind of event in the near future that would allow many of us to escape or trancend this matrix.

And they want to do everything they can to stop that.

I do feel we are in a kind of simulation and these bodies are just avatar meat suits.

Ultimately I just want to maintain my sovereignty and prepare myself for theensd of the physical life of my current avatar, so that I don't "go to the light" and end up back in this simulation again.

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Ok, so here is a simple solution set for niBMI and BMI counterdefenses for your network:

1) only use hard wired ethernet pull or desolder all wifi chipsets, this requires non-conperhaps because they have seen via remote viewing some kisumer hardware to make it feasible. example: iphone with bionic chipset and accessory chips has neurotechnology in it that communications with niBMI and BMI. Therefore, the use of smartphones and entry of them into your secured facility needs to be controlled as well, you hearing this IT professionals? All of your work can get hacked by one neurohacker linked to an adversarial ai bcps.

2) literally have your employees wear shielded baseball caps and vests - think of it as an EHS construction site requirement, but literally this time for the office. safety glasses in this case are for optogenetic.

internally, take chelators vitamin c, calcium-disodium-edta, garlic etc. to pull synbio out of you and keep your blood flowing healthy. to remove prior dosed synbio materials takes additional efforts, which require significant reduction in emf environment and pulsed square wave phased array while taking chelators that cross blood brain barrier bbb and other tissue cellular level membranes. Now there are also DNA/XNA latches to review, which requires genomics sequencing of codons and not just AG CT anymore, but further amino acids in the double or at times triple structure ... makes you wonder why they called X prize the "X" doesn't it for space exploration (which NASA knows requires electronically hardening the human being body for radiation (non-ionizing and ionizing) exposure.

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This is excellent, highly actionable advice, sir! A few questions.

I’d like to Ethernet connect my phone but most connectors are likely CCP chipped.

I’m assuming something like this:

Lightning to Ethernet Adapter-https://a.co/d/cHXZ7ej

What is your preferred optogenic/optogenetic eyewear these days? Have you looked at Reflectacles.com? I’ve got these on as we speak. They’re a goggle style that fit over readers or glasses and alone for computer or boob toob watching.


Might need a bit more clarification on this section.

“only use hard wired ethernet pull or desolder all wifi chipsets, this requires non-conperhaps because they have seen via remote viewing some kisumer hardware to make it feasible”

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U dr charles morgan .... it seems that the can directly electronically controll the waxked thoughts, vision , actions , memory , sight, emotions , etc etc remotely ,through the injjected room temp superconductor graphene antenna and other softwear... with scalar tech em signals , using our d n a codes... through the now very conductive chemtrail athmosphere... please good God help especially them under full demonic controll return to goodness and truth , and all of us too

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Author

niBMI based on synthetic biology with mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology puts blinders on your eyes, ears, sense of smell, sense of touch/physical phenomena, vibrations and of course can do data-in-the-synbio flow with visual cortex to literally fool you into seeing or not seeing something or someone. It can also mess with your perception of time directly, good for intelligence community to pause someone, so they can go inspect a given location and then leave without a perceived trace, with their ai it hacking they can easily do data in the flow on any cameras or audio with an ai type geofence and CDN everything as well. The tech just requires a bunch of capital resources and time with knowledge of quantum.

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13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe

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Appreciate your reference to religious and spiritual information (codex). I think anyone who has taken a vaccine has had synbio materials put in them over past decades. You'd have to live in the middle of nowhere and be home schooled to avoid vaccines.

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deletedJan 17
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Yes, looked into these invasive devices. I think the noninvasive achieves the same thing though, it gets under the skull of the exterior protection of the brain and acts as a tranducer (emulator) for transmissions and receiving very well, specifically since it is nanotech scale it can simply build through and into the skull and bones as well. So, basically the future is niBMI non-invasive and the private equity people and others who funded invasive BMI have smaller niche (damaged brains that the niBMI can't help) or simply a faux sleight of hand to hide the true pervasive use of niBMI in the world today.

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deletedJan 18
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Please further explain your comment. Are you aware of ChinaCCP Coalition NeuroStrike being used on the West and their coalition members as well? Here is a reference if you are not aware: https://www.tampabay.com/news/nation-world/2023/11/04/haley-china-neuro-strike-weapons-magnets-brain-nervous-system-politifact/

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deletedJan 17
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Sure, can you post link here or simply email me? (substack should display this information for subscribers I think).

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deletedJan 16
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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Author

cameras can be covered with electrical tape, but microphones, wifi and bluetooth are harder.

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