Hi Brandon,

I'm hoping you can help me make some decisions today. I don't carry a mobile phone routinely and only keep it for emergency or when I need a 2FA for an account. Otherwise, I have it turned off or in airplane mode, and I currently have an old iP 6s (I think that's what it is, anyway. It's a hand-me-down...) The wireless signals make me unwell, everything from making my teeth and nose numb to causing loud screeching in my ears to decreasing my thyroid function over the long term (which I found out when I eliminated wireless (as much as possible) from my environment and my innate thyroid came roaring back from previously requiring large doses of thyroid hormone medication to suddenly only needing a small fraction of that).

I read in one of your post recently that NOT carrying a mobile device can put one at risk of getting hacked. I just had to even look up what a Pixel phone is...believe it or not. As loathe as I would be to have an OS named Graphene, I am open to potentially purchasing a new phone. Would a Pixel 6 be a good choice? Not wanting to spend a lot, and still wouldn't want to carry it around in active mode due to the ill health effects I get from the radiation...also, is buying from Amzn a bad idea? Not really trusting them (or anyone else) right now...especially with what I've heard about them having massive DNA databases and potentially having nefarious intentions involving hacking.

Also, I had a computer crash a few days ago due to an update that didn't go through properly and had to reinstall windows, so I am looking for a new laptop before my old one totally fails. I am looking at either an Acer Predator or a used Panasonic Toughbook. I use ethernet connection and want an ethernet port as opposed to using an adapter which I have been for the past 4 years. Was trying to find a laptop not made in CH and that is a tall order. Toughbook made in Japan but leery of a "renewed" device and can't really afford to buy a new one. Also wondering about the GPS apparently built into some of them...does that emit radiation or is it just a receiver? Do you have any recommendations? The Acer is on sale right now (@Bst Buy), ending tomorrow. Again, not wanting to spend a lot.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Clarifying this comment "I read in one of your post recently that NOT carrying a mobile device can put one at risk of getting hacked. "

0) here are the supported pixel phones by GrapheneOS, keep in mind the lower the number the sooner it gets end of life serviced https://grapheneos.org/faq#supported-devices

1) if you have minimal synthetic biology in your brain and central nervous system, then you can carry on your body a portable ELF and scalar generator that synchronizes your neurons to your local on body independent signal generator and go stealth from intelligence agencies, defense agencies and private groups in the psionic spying business with ELF and scalar with SQUIDs. Further, you can carry on body a force field generator that repels synthetic biology, not get hacked.

2) if you have synthetic biology in your brain and central nervous system, then you can literally "loose your mind" as the intelligence agencies simply put it by not carrying your smart phone with you for a period of time longer than a couple of weeks. When the intelligence agencies state that you'll "loose your mind" they specifically mean that your synthetic biology overlay in the brain and central nervous system (inclusive of stomach) can get contaminated with other "shedding" of signals (bioenergetics and synthetic biology self-replicating) from other animals, people, etc. in your local environment. If you have dirty harmonics with pulsating b-fields then it will rapidly degrade you with or without a smart phone, to put a number on it anything above 2 mG is dirty magnetic field harmonics and you want to be below 1 mG if not 0.1 mG or less.

3) the use of an on body scalar wave and ELF generator may help you out, have you tried this? your neurons and body will bioresonate with it. If you are not sure what this tech is there is an analyzer sold in Switzerland that I'm aware of as well as a recent Russian analyzer that is sold through a South African company.

4) regarding AMZN, they move a lot of China product (50% of sellers are exporting from China) so their warehouses are all synthetic biology self-replicating contaminated with ChinaCCP by now and as a result so are their drivers (e.g. linked to ChinaCCP) especially if their small business subcontracted drivers are utilizing Tik Tok per say. So, keep in mind it isn't AMZN directly, but it is ChinaCCP coalition (includes Russia) exporting synthetic biology self-replicating with linkages to new physics weapons for degradation of their enemies.

5) Japanese products are solid. Install a flavor of linux/unix on it and you'll be a lot safer than using Windows and it will save you $$$$. Using the hardwired port built-in is wise, keep a dongle ethernet port as a back up just in case and make sure to over-voltage protect your devices with a surge protector (EMP shield device). Regarding a "renewed" device, there is only so much that you can do. Perhaps a refurb shop on ebay?

Hope this technical information helps you out.

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Thanks so much for that info. It never would have occurred to me that something would get contaminated just from being in a warehouse or with a particular delivery person. Going to have to rethink buying anything from that source, obviously. Are we talking about neuro contamination of electronics or actual physical material (which could potentially contaminate anything) or both? I'm not tech savvy enough to even live in this world anymore...

Also, I'm now looking at renewed/used Toughbook on eBay (thank you for that suggestion!) and wondering what it means for a computer to have 4G LTE. Is that an alternative to using WiFi, where the computer can pick up signals from towers? Is that going to be emitting radiation like a mobile phone does? Does it require a monthly fee like a phone? I really hate this world...

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1) You are welcome

2) Synthetic biology can spread based upon the following known mechanisms

a) sound (longitudinal waves)

b) vibration (bass from audio, engines running, birds chirping (e.g. why Elon bought "twitter")

cause satellites he has (e.g. his Intelligence Community (IC) handlers) can emulate birds

chirping or crickets when synchronizing regions.

c) EMF transverse, inclusive of ELF

d) b-fields

e) harmonics with scalar and transverse components

f) charge difference

g) bioenergetics (coherence) when one person observes another or an object

The only way I'm aware of to keep synthetic biology away from you is with a force field.

3) synthetic biology contamination (with the original neural networks precoded) in life and things (electronic and physical materials). Keep in mind the electronics can recode the synthetic biology in physical materials and life if they are neurotechnology (bionic type chipset enabled)

4) This world is out of control with self-replicating synthetic biology and neurotechnology and very very few people even understand a bit of what is occurring in their observable 3D space and time domains (there are also higher dimensions). The only reason I'm aware of any of this is because a group and or nation state coalition (China CCP and Russia) with their business proxy men bugged me with synthetic biology and then converted it from perch mode to attack/kill mode in 2022 and failed to covert kill me with it.

5) Do not get a computer with a built-in cell card or modem, avoid it like the plague. Use a cell hot spot with wifi disabled and an ethernet cable to connect to your devices through an IDS/IPS firewall device with an AI system (in a perfect world). The 100 ft or so ethernet cable will let you place the data cell device with wifi disabled very far away from you. You can use a prepaid SIM card or eSIM (more secure as the ID changes). If you can get a 5G system like netgear's with hardwired lan and disble the other wifi, etc. then you will be good to go. You can go pre-paid with the modem and reload when you need more data $50 for 50 GB per month is typical rate. Make sure you purchase an "unlocked" data device.

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Thank God you survived! God bless you for providing this critically important information to the world. I wish I could understand all of it...

I believe "they" somehow attacked my Mother and me in 2021 (with "C19") and she did not recover. My brain was completely dysfunctional...I literally believe I was hacked and someone or something else was in control, as crazy as that sounds, and I was not able to give her proper treatment. What you described in #2 above may well have been what happened. I almost feel like I got hacked by Satan himself. Whether the treatment would have been sufficient if I had not literally lost my mind I will never know. She was my only ally in this battle and now my heart is broken and my life is a total catastrophe. I don't even want to live anymore without her.

Re: #3) "on body scalar wave and ELF generator"-

I have definitely not tried that. Just searched and found QuWave, is that the type of products you recommend? They say their pendant generates a scaler wave using a battery. How about the Q-link pendant with a coiled copper wire? Is this what orgone does that some people claim is an EMF harmonizer?

I have not been able to locate the analyzers you mentioned. I'm not even sure what I would be analyzing...

Re #4) just above...what do you think is their motive? To kill us all or turn us into cyborgs?

Re #5) just above, thank you for eliminating some of the choices. Somehow I figured that was a bad idea...also just saw that newer Toughbooks are apparently made in Taiwan, not Japan. Maybe I should just take my chances with the Acer?

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Currently, I'm not recommending any company's scalar and ELF products until I can lab validate and verify them. I will do a separate post on companies selling these devices for people to have a reference list, but will not vouch and put my name on any of them. That said, it is easy to know where to disable the ELF and scalar transmitters (above ground and visible to a satcom). Just go buy photos of the world, run an AI through them to detect ELF and scalar wave and then deploy a scalar wave system to destroy them. Then the only ones left running will be the ones underground in black sites that are not visible to satellites, but can still transmit. Then using triangulation with a SQUID (e.g. see prior post) you can locate those sites and then destroy them to end the psionic war in WW3. Not that complicated.

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Hello, Brandon;

This is very important article. For Android Users with a pixel phone you recommend Utilizing GrapheneOS; can you recommend something for other Android (Samsung phone) Users. Thanks.

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Sure, just updated article. Note, I do not recommend keeping Android (Samsung phone) standard O/S as it is not secured enough against neurohacking while in use.

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Feb 25Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Brandon, thank you for the update & clarifications.

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deletedFeb 25
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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Author

Thank you for this, please kindly do not always assume it is the person, but could be their niBMI being contaminated and disrupting all of their data communications. Their niBMI could also be linked to an adversarial AI BCPS CODEX linked system, which from what you're saying appears to be the case. The best solution is to block the person's posts (CODEX) based, but recognize that it may or may not be the actual person, but their hacked and neurocompromised synthetic biology niBMI. From what you're posting, it sounds like chelating the synthetic biology in you would be the immediate course of action to remove adversarial AI neurotechnology hooks linked with your synthetic biology. Calcium-disodium-EDTA, sodium citrate (easier to access) and also zeolites work very well for this. Keep in mind our bodies and minds are under attack through use of biological (e.g. think spikes where nattokinase and bromeline counteract these) as well as synthetic biology, where chelators and molecular traps (zeolites) shine through.

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deletedFeb 25Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.
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You are welcome, keep in mind it could be a bot encoded in someone's synthetic biology. I fully agree, the world is super weird now thanks to self-replicating synthetic biology and pervasive neurotechnology that is not always linked to a friendly AI system, due to adversarial AI. If you don't have background in these topics it is extremely hard, if not near impossible or improbable to figure out.

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deletedFeb 24
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If you have drones flying around you, then you need to check two things:

#1 get a live blood analysis LBA and if you have significant amounts of synthetic biology in you then per Dr. Ana MD calcium-disodium-EDTA IV with high dose vitamin C IV will remove it. Check out Dr. Ana's clinic for this IV chelation treatment.

#2 the synbio and a contaminated niBMI could be "glitching you out"

#3 the contamination or synbio contamination (neurohacked or environmental contamination or both) could be broadcasting "false positive" signals to local automated AI defense systems that work with law enforcement, impacting their resources by allocating them to a false-flag operational by ChinaCCP and Russia Coalition adversarial AI cyber + neurowarfare on America.

The item #1 is most important to address as it will purge the "false flag" signal from your body's synthetic biology if you have synthetic biology in you.

Hope this helps! :)

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Hi Brandon!

Is a live blood analysis magnified in enough to to actually see the synbio or will the blood/body fluids just look sludgy, etc? I have a local darkfield microscopist (sadly, twice jabbed and resistant to fielding the synbio question) whose latest scopework of my blood only shows where it's a bit sludgy with poor motility, has some rouleaux, and the spiky bits around some of the blood cell walls. Lots of what he thinks is aspergillis swimming around, but could be quantum dots because those bits blink.

Strangely, when I drink a big glass of hydrogen water before the scope work, my blood is almost perfection itself, at least under the level of magnification that darkfield analysis uses. Note that I am unjabbed from a small child but not as situationally disciplined (except diet and water-wise) as I should be. I have used a scalar device called BluShield in my house for 4 years now, and a portable device when I go out.

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Author

1) Yes, LBA is enough at 4000x to see the synbio via darkfield microscopy, please check out David Nixon's work at https://drdavidnixon.com/ using dark field microscopy.

Dr. Okker Botha in South Africa distributes and serves as medical laison for Japanese manufactured optics in LBA and the information can be found here: https://www.neogenesissystems.com/

There are some new physics items also listed on their website, that apply the field of bioenergetics as well, but I have not evaluated those devices yet. However, the physics is sound.

2) what type of hydrogen water (e.g. H2O) infused with H+ or pre-treated with a scalar system (e.g. what uninformed people, but plugged-in, at Planet Home 2019 in San Francisco, CA Planet Home 2019 event were talking about in the lounge area referencing "structured water" (fyi: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190814005253/en/PLANET-HOME-Introduces-the-Future-of-Experiential-Entertainment-and-Environmental-Solutionism-With-Showcase-Event-in-San-Francisco ). Common waters are: distilled, deionized, ultra pure (resistivity 18.2 MΩ·cm @ 25 °C; total organic carbon (TOC) ≤ 5 ppb) and of course the uncommon "living water". Discussed this tech enabling DroneSeed with one of Google's key inventors: https://techcrunch.com/2021/09/29/droneseeds-36m-a-round-makes-it-a-one-stop-shop-for-post-wildfire-reforestation/

3) Note, I'm compiling a list of things to do to keep the body from being polluted and will post it shortly as this is complimentary to the hardware containment for counter AI and synthetic biology defenses.

/// appended prior comment to consolidate into one response

4) There has to be a reasonably simple way at scale to repel the synthetic biology by scaling-up what nature already does naturally (e.g. see force field article prior publication). If the red blood cells RBCs can repel the synthetic biology globule (geometry of the RBC is a significant consideration as well as the four irons linked to the porphyrin group) for magnetic field interaction. Bioresonance is one thing, but there are legitimate force fields built today with scalar waves being used. That house in Maui that did not burn down is a prime candidate to validate for use of scalar force field synthetic biology protection, all one would have to do is to bring some synbio and a LBA scope around the areas burnt and validate it is present, then walk by that house and see if the synbio is still present or changed in geometric configuration, such that the surrounding synbio is repelled by the updated geometric synbio configuration from the material surrounding that house. So it is either #1 a force field repelling all synbio or #2 a different geometry synbio repelling harmful synbio.

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Thank you for this wonderfully complete response. You are very gracious. :)

The hydrogen water that I drank was a simple hydrogen tablet, but it sounds like you have a really interesting concept to make amazing structured water using scalar fields and purification. You had mentioned in one of your posts or notes that you have plans to build a larger-scale distiller, but I couldn't tell if that was for industrial-scale only for highly contaminated or salt water.

If you're thinking this would be approachable for "average folks", I would love to buy those plans from you. :)

So, your really interesting note where I saw this was in a note to David Nixon:

"I agree with you on "minimizing contamination", as it is a simple "mass balance" solution that the human body needs to have a net drawdown of synthetic biology to get better and not a net accumulation of it. That said, the use of force fields is the only sustainable solution that I can think of (e.g. amplifying the red blood cell repel effect of the synthetic biology).

Regarding the use of distilled water.

I've built (prototyped about a dozen versions to arrive at a simple solution) a small vacuum distillation compression crystallization unit that can process 1 barrel of vacuum distilled water per day from salt and contaminated water, at Reactwell (in CTO role/founder). In America one barrel is equal to 42 gallons and of course 1 gallon is equal to 3.78 litres. If anyone is interested in instructions on how to build one of these or a smaller version ping me."

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I've heard through the grapevine (from a TI on Twatter) that flashing one of those cat laser pen thingy-doos works wonders against IR-sensing stuff like drones. :)

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25Author

I wouldn't worry about drones. Those are easy to take down with kinetic or nonkinetic weapons. The best is to JAM them and send them straight up into the sky then they fall, when batteries drawn down due to max elevation air density resulting in them simply wobbling and running out of power, and break into pieces due to a perceived "malfunction" by the end user. DJI are the best drones to destroy (e.g. ChinaCCP exports) by jamming and Z-axis override.... redeployed economic warfare. I'll post some videos of this in the future, specifically destroying DJI drones.

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I would surely LOVE to see that maneuver in hot action. Must be quite satisfying.

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I didn't want to say that if I were a drone or other such representative of the Nefarium, I wouldn't want to wander into Brandon Iglesias' yard or airspace. But you said it, sir! :)

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