Also one more thing at the time of 2017 I didn't know Bigelow sold the ranch to some to other rich person as a shadow private silent partner...

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during the pandemic Bigelow's space hotel venture got "shelved" that tells you one clear thing, he is no longer with the group leading neurotechnology efforts... as his business was a casuality. I spent some time in Vegas for Autodesk University and also crashed at Tony Hsieh's place prior to ChinaCCP neuroweapons covertly killing him... Foxconn was funding some of the ChinaCCP junk in Vegas area for an electronics fab then I guess ChinaCCP decided to kill off the effort as it could have been a material threat to Shenzhen (electronics prototyping fab, etc.).

Further, Utah has NSA/IC data storage centers (e.g. brain maps of everyone). So, no telling if it is a rogue IC group or some ChinaCCP proxy that purchased Bigelow. Either way it reeks of neurotechnology bilking people for their money under the guise of b.s..

I'm of the strong professional opinion, data-driven, that many of the key people in America are being killed off covertly by ChinaCCP neurowar on democracy. America is technocommunists prime target, as we're the bastion. Keep in mind there are other virtual nation state groups with neurotechnology .... for all anyone knows there are AIs operating behind the scenes through BCPS systems that are probably gobbling up the properties and businesses using AI acquisition decision structure (Read latest MIT pub on AI governed corporations). It's easy to sabatoge an AI BCPS driven corporation, just poison the wetware and inputs to the AI.

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I was invited to go to that ranch in 2017 but the guy that knew Bigelow friend as I look back am glad i never went plus I would of have to sign an nda but I would of had to pickup that drop shipping moron that knew Bigelow friend from here I used to live in NJ to Arizona then to Utah and back...since I talked about this mess over the phone I suspect Hollywood gaslight and made a movie what I talked about called ,"Nope" I called out Jordan Peele he didn't respond back due to legal liability and he's a punk cause all what Hollywood does is steal ppl stories by monitoring Americans communication and to me that's a form of gas lighting if u ask me.

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Geo engineering is real. The difference in my plants outside and inside and they are definitely including synthetic biology looking at the stems.of my plants outside

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So does this mean there really is no “Range-4 Harry” ?

Dr Iglesias, I love these posts and have shared many of them and very well look forward to their highly unusual/obscure content!

Please sir, correct me if I’m mistaken, you also mentioned there are no such thing as chemtrails, whereas It is common knowledge almost today that mainstream science purports “cloudseeding” is (preposterously) aiding to curb climate change - - even the WEF as per their website was bragging about $30billion invested in it last year, I believe.

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So, you have to be specific. The general term "chemtrails" should not be used.

Cloud seeding is real.

Chemtrails are b.s.

I'm not a "Dr" I've got a bunch of masters degrees and dropped out of a Ph.D. program in geochemistry/geothermal to startup Reactwell then got shot up with neuroweapons. So, have a Ph.D. mind/brain per say, but decided to build instead of publish. Technically I build and publish.

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Re: build & publish, I’m glad you do! Thank you for clarifying Brandon*, keep up the great work sir :)

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