
Need help understanding a few concepts here, towards becoming more Neuro-aware and thus take hard action against the enemy/ies lurking in our midst.

1. Can you please clarify what you mean by “It is important while taking zeolite, from our team’s own personal R&D experience, to read inbound codexes (you will receive messages, text, email, etc. when you alter the niBMI from your friendly Neurohackers’ AI BCPS system (inclusive of linked family, friends and coworkers). “

2. “Using a computer and looking at the screen, will charge up the synthetic biology (photons from screen) and also result in them migrating towards your hands on the keyboard (electrical source) as well as into your visual cortex).”

Do we want to encourage looking at the screen while taking our binders (zeo or charcoal), to better entrap the nano?

Does wearing optogenetic glasses and EMF proof gloves at other times prevent attacks?

Optogenetic glasses (which ones do you like best?): Reflectacles.com

Gloves: https://lessemf.com/product/shielded-gloves/

3. Does intrabody nano weaponry require a high or low di-electric constant to function optimally? Is one’s di-electric constant having to do with reducing static charge (by keeping grounded perhaps?)

“Keep in mind when an object gets loaded up with synthetic biology it will increase its’ bulk di-electric constants and be easily combusted (via EW and EMP attack).”

Sorry for all the questions. I’m keen to fight the good fight against Red Dawn.

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Regarding ‘Using a computer and looking at the screen’ to reduce impact:

(1) watch everything in black and white or grey;

(2) reduce the refresh rate.

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Thanks for this. What's your suggested refresh rate?

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Lowest (provided you are not a gamer).

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I take Liquid Zeolite Ultra once a week. Does that mean I need to up my intake?

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I am only reporting what works for our team. Initially we did daily with mega dose of vitamins thereafter. Then tapper down to two times a week. When highly contaminated our team starts off at high dose, then tapers down.

The other way, more complicated, is to pull blood from body into a closed loop circulatory system, add anti-coagulant to blood, then run blood through large magnetic field and circulate. Then dosing with antioxidants via IV (vitamins).

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I remember at one stage I was detoxing from brain fog and took it everyday..it works but now I get that again and after 4 weeks of sodium citrate my foggyness is barely visible..All these supplinents we take now just to see our blood clean..plus the vitamins., just like a big pharma addict.. now I just use is an organic vitamin powder...

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Hi, be aware of vit K. Is deadly, FDA put a black stripe on it as a warning.

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Are you saying that each citizen of a NATO state is 24/7 connected to and supervised by an AI BCPS, without his knowledge or consent?

How can all this data be possible stored and processed? Are there quantum processors and quantum clouds for this? This would have to be totally automated to work effciently. Considering the secrecy of this tech it would mean that there are only a handful of human staff involved in this procedure. How then can the AI take action on the data it obtained about an individual? How does it get passed on to someone lower in the command chain? Or does the AI by itself employ additional wetware ressources to reach predefined objectives (such as gaining knowledge, sensitive data or taking out adversaries)?

This all sounds a lot like the AI from the TV series "Person of Interest", only on steroids ... Thank you for taking the time to answer.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t0rfjPwNs8 "{ emoto " this fits in with zeolite and more

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What about Bamboo Activated Charcoal?

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Haven't tried that, need to look at the zeolite distribution and food/safety/guidelines and regulations. Will look into it if you'd like and publish a followup review of the various zeolites compared to one another. I used to work with industrial grade zeolites, so very familiar with them. Not all zeolites are created equal.

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I thought I read zeolites help to build the nanotech?

I take Takesami Supreme Activated Charcoal.

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Not true, zeolites confirmed to remove self-replicating nanotech, heavy metals and other contaminants in human body. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1687428523000778 as well as others, will update references cited.

Will look into the other form of activated charcoal. Thank you.

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RemovedJan 21
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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Author

This isn't advice, it is personal R&D by our team to reverse engineer ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon, NeuroStrike. It is up to each person to learn on their own, given available information, which is why this is free public disclosure of our team's own personal R&D to reverse engineer and defeat a Neuro S/T weapon.

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