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deletedApr 17
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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Author

scalar transmitter on-body, in-vehicle, in-house/apartment, such that there are overlapping scalar waves is my current approach, based upon literature review so far. The "pattern" further enhances the scalar transmitter's effectiveness (e.g. signature of the source energy it is transmitting).

Therefore, a generic scalar like Tesla near-field coil that transmits is not the same as a "pattern" linked scalar that transmits (e.g. Meyl's work furthering Tesla's work to transmit a source "vitamin, fruit, energy" via near-field).

Next work will be to further work with Meyl's hardware and software, rather than generic scalar transmitters with focus on scanning in vitamin C, pine needle, etc. into distilled water for example for consumption into body.

Currently, observation is that there are a lot of trees dying that were not dying before 2020, due to addition of the hundreds of thousands of satelites and electrosmog systems in LEO as well as 3x density increase in cell towers (e.g. drying out the woods/timbers and stressing them out). So, scanning-in healthy pine needles and associated "medicinal tree" and plant matter is extremely important to have a core and reliable library to future proof it. I'll start an open source database with this information to further Meyl's work based upon prior comp sci., etc. background (with ability to be downloaded off-internet).

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