Hi, Brandon;

You wrote: “…this material keeps regrowing when food added to body…” Do you have ‘this material’ because you were attacked in 2022 or we all have it? Thanks.

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From my understanding is that if you've not been actively keeping your body clean with chelators for your lifetime, drinking clean water, avoiding yeast (leavening agents), and eating generally available food products, then to some extent or another there is synthetic biology in you as it is everywhere on earth. All you have to do is get a Live Blood Analysis LBA done on you to determine to what extent you have it (two forms: #1 is Cross Domain Bacteria CDB disorganized and #2 is designer synthetic biology with neural lace and non-invasive brain-machine-interface niBMIs. The junk I was dosed with was intentional and designer for monitoring as a spy wetware bug in "perch" mode pre-2022 and then in 2022 went into "attack" mode (same exact timeframe when Russia invaded Ukraine) and subsequently after 2021 when ChinaCCP and Russia both reached out to our team with opportunity for $$$$ and we turned down the $$$$. The Chinese were extremely unprofessional (hid their interaction through shell company in Caribbean, but we tracked them to Beijing, China via cookies in forms) and the Russians were professional with respect to their interactions. I don't like ChinaCCP.

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Brandon, thank you for clarification.

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My experience getting infected with the synthetic biology nanotechnology was in 2005.

The super white crystals were in the heating vents in brand new housing in the San Francisco Bay area.

I am thinking this is probably not advanced spyware? How would I know if I am connected to spyware?

I have never used Tiktok myself, but 2 or 3 times a post from Tiktok has been posted on Instagram.

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My 2FA accounts would get hacked when I would "think" the passcode, then the AI BCPS from ChinaCCP Adversarial would hack into the account before I could login, as it takes additional milliseconds 200-500 to then cognitively go from thinking the password to typing it in. That is how I know this was a wetware spy bug and not something else. I also validated it through optogenetic byte-based as well as doing blind passcodes (random not thinking to myself, e.g. subconscious) and then finally defeated it with 2FA hardware key and password managers (e.g. I never know the code, but the password manager does). Therefore Xi's Magic Weapon has been reverse engineered by another Chemical Engineer peer from America.

Note: I have never used Tik Tok myself either, but people that used to be around me have and still do (uninformed).

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Would you recommend a password manager?

I have not trusted the key and password managers from being hacked.

No question that I have AI that creates and sustains a network. My eyes (by glancing) change things, like clouds, food, trees, photos. Everything I look at is recorded and displayed outwardly, especially tech and TV. Does this have something to do with the “eye vector”? (If you know)

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Here are the attack vectors on password managers (known, does not include zero days exploits): https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1555/005/

Regarding recommending a password manager, the large big tech firms all have password managers available for use and specialized security companies also have them for a fee as well. I would recommend a 2FA FIPS hardware key asap if not already utilizing. Here is a list of the 2024 best password managers: https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-password-managers

Regarding your eyes question, that's called someone having "their eye on you" as it integrates into your visual cortex via optogenetic system and sends byte-based word summaries of what you're visually seeing back to an AI based upon your field of view. For example, if you are looking at a street with cars passing, red cars, blue cars, big cars, license plate numbers, people in them with funny look glasses, a truck with a package in the back, all that is interpreted byte-based subconsciously in the niBMI wetware and reported back to an AI, then if the AI BCPS wants a higher resolution photograph it dispatches the person via niBMI channel to take a photograph of them via smart phone.

ChinaCCP Adversarial AI BCPS Xi "Magic Weapon" can track license plate numbers, reverse engineered that one. One method is simply from someone's phone being placed on dash or the other is via wetware "having their eye on you and reading the plate number" (e.g. equivalent to the password synthetic biology wetware spy bug hack) then reporting back to the AI BCPS that ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon has built-out via subconscious attack into Tik Toker surrogates.

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Thank you

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