Mar 16·edited Mar 16Author

Looks like we've got Ingo Swan on here or some other person with first name Ingo, that or Ingo's mind map that IC has in their database linked to AI. I guess when one figures out how the AI BCPS Echelon Based System Works you get attention of all eyes, regardless of the original adversarial one that tried to neurostrike you (e.g. ChinaCCP). Hopefully NATO eyes learn from these briefs and ban Tik Tok so that they don't lose their countries wwithout knowing it (yes, that is what cognitive capture is, you get taken over and don't realize you're taken over).

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A year before I was attacked way harder had a Live Blood analysis done. Sometimes you can find at herbalist stores the service offered. Many homeopathy practitioners do this even in the US. You can find one so you don't send your blood into a Lab. There was no sign of nano biology in the test for me. I think they can still target you even without having Synbio integrated into system. The SynBio is just more full proof. The tech they have uses scalar interferometry and can lock onto brain signatures. I was actively eating healthy and juicing plus supplementation and detoxing I even had various scalar tools already around me in enviornment. It wasn't the SynBio they used to harness my biofield yet they still hammered me.

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How were you able to disconnect this from brain? I believe my connection was established in the same way yours was. I’ve been looking at scalars as being the solution to our freedoms but after reading your post I’m scared they may not work.

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I appreciate the citations, resources, and amazing research you have done. The FLCCC Alliance treatment protocols are more in depth that what I have been doing. That is my next step.

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