
Your genius for solving this pesky set of problems continues to amaze me. Well done, you! 😄

I believe I finally, with this latest post of yours, understand what you’re getting at with regards to how you’re timing consumption if certain foods and substances with your scalar emitter.

Assuming it’s the thing doing the square wave pulsing, yah?

Dumb Question. By “entire” pineapple, do you mean the skin too? Whoo, that might be a bit rufty tufty on the ole gut!

And, are you considering the eating of that big fat burrito to be simply a vehicle for really really hot stuff like cayenne, habanero, etc, to effect good vaso-dilation? Or is it also for the sheer nutritional value as well?

Finally, I would dearly love to see what it looks like for you to eat a ton of garlic and watch the big burly guys run like pansies from you. Oh my goodness, my joy would be complete!

Have you actually had that happen to you? Was it real garlic or the enteric garlic mega capsules?

Anyway…..thanks for making my day, and for making me laugh out loud with the final thought!

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Short related story to "Want to tell quickly if a person is synthetic biology enabled by ChinaCCP?" I was in the check out line of the grocery store dressed in my EMF protective cloak and hat. Directly behind me I heard two phone conversations going on at the same time. I listened for a couple minutes before turning around to see two women totally engrossed with some virtual invisible person. I spoke to one young woman and asked her, "Do you realized that everyone can hear your conversation?" She responded, "I'm sorry if I disturbed you", which was not my point. My point was that she was broadcasting her "private" conversation to everyone around her. She was oblivious to that fact. Isn't that what we do every time we post something to the Internet? It becomes "broadcast" public knowledge.

Thank you Brandon for sharing what helps you to adapt in a natural way to our unnatural tech environment. It warms my heart.

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Yes I do all sorts of stacks. Thanks for the ideas.

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