Apr 12Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

I watched a webinar by a natural dentist and in his presentation he showed the brain and its drainage system. He said at night the brain generates chemicals that shrinks the brain and that allows drainage. But with inflammatory diseases and toxins that is not happening and is the main cause of neurological damage. ie Dementia.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Author

I know for a fact that you can shrink the brain quickly and rapidly by placing it inside of a Faraday enclosure (e.g. the whole body) volumetric. Not sure how good that is for sleep.

Regarding your dentist's comment, that makes sense for bio and synthetic biology. You catch the dentist's name and clinic. Don't forget with blue light exposure at night (e.g. use blue blockers at night). "Inflammatory diseases and toxins" is inclusive of bio and synbio.

From my personal experience using a rife transmitter system can keep the brain working better. Also, the whole telecommunications cybernetic space is well, um, let's just leave that up to people to read this report (e.g. if not plugged-in life expectancy 20-30 years): https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1083010.pdf

Currently, any engineer with half a brain working, standing on the shoulder's or Royal Raymond Rife's prior work, can figure out that a telecommunications tower can also be used to wipe out parasites, bacteria, virus, diseases, etc.within its' given range if it is a 5G even better (cause it's directional). Yes, that's correct our telecommunications tower infrastructure serves as our biosecurity system (why you think they're so armored up), it's not just a smart phone for data (phone calls and text messages anymore with an email here or there).

In The Bible it references sleeping with one's arm between the ground ("-") in regions where the Israelite resided and the head (e.g. brain). This forms a circuit from my background/knowledge that may resonates between the arm loop with brain and chest (depending upon the contents of the person and if they are conductive (e.g. saturated with water) as the ground is "-" (depending upon basin that you're in) and therefore body "+" ... I think the amplification would have more to do with synthetic biology in the body. Following the Bible is a lot easier than deciphering it (not curious, but concerned due to the Bible being changed over the centuries by man, big subtle difference).

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Biological Dentistry with Dr Marinaci - My interest was in the nano tech they are putting in the mainstream dentistry. What easier way to get the nano tech in via needles and dental materials. Worked so well with mercury fillings.

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Amazing information! I found some changes are needed in my routine. Nighttime is when I have time to catch up on reading. I heard about wearing yellow sunglasses to block blue light and I am wearing them now. The news about 5G being a benefit is a surprise. I am finding adjustments are needed in my life, like early morning reading and more research. Thanks, Brandon, for sharing your experiences and information with us. We can adapt!

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