May 6Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

I've been looking into this aswell. It seems they target the P53 and Mutate it. Then the M-p53 actually assists the replication process. Along with this the P53 is down regulated and the Bcl-2 (anti apoptosis) is upregulated. Phycocyanin has been found to reverse mutate M-p53 and upregulate p53. Aswell, 9x purple bamboo Salt has been found in a specific cancer study to upregulate p53 and down regulate Bcl-2.

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May 6·edited May 6Author

Will look into the phycocyanin and salt, thank you for the information. In times of unrestricted warfare, sadly we're literally at war at the genome level in the body and perception of reality level (neurotechnology + nanotechnology) in the mind.

Phyocyanin makes sense as this is part of algae and cyanobacteria that has been shown to improve health to those impacted by "COVID. (e.g. chlorophyl complexes in plants and algae/cyanobacteria) to counteract "COVID" cases (e.g. simple term for public in times of synbio neurowarfare unrestricted to grasp). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phycocyanin

In general salts disrupt the synthetic biology clotting and formation (for adversarial synbio, part of ChinaCCP). However, the 9x purple bamboo salt has a lot of other properties in it, including zeolites (molecular traps) as well as anti-oxidant properties and the color indicates active anti-oxidants and beneficial components Bamboo Salt was originally created by Korean herbalist, Dr. Insan in 1917. Ultimate PURPLE 9X bamboo salt is ocean-harvested on the Western sea coast of Korea using organic, sustainable methods. Ultimate PURPLE 9X traditionally takes over 3 years to create, following a painstakingly detailed method. The salt is sun-dried, deposited in bamboo tubes grown for at least 3 years and capped with mineral-rich clay. The bamboo tubes are placed in a pine-wood furnace and roasted 9 times to eliminate impurities and chemicals. "Subtle savory sulphur taste" listed on select products and the following "highly alkaline (11.5 pH), rich in 70+ minerals,"

I agree with those two items and will add them to the hopper to test out as well as obtain bioenergetic signatures on for imprinting using near-field scalar transmitter work to scale-up and help others working with our clinic for bioenergetics + conventional medicine (western + eastern... e.g. MD/ND).

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May 6Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Yes the 9x salt is high in sulfur. Has a very strong taste. I wouldn't exactly call it "savory" like they say, not subtle at all. I am trying to find info on how sulfur interacts with all this SynBio. But it does go into production of Glutathione. The use the scalar imprinting with it is something we have been looking into and testing. The Insan company has the cheapest Bulk orders of it if you email them. Is quite pricey. Was around 200$ for 1KG with shipping I think. The test I found down regulating BCL-2 aswell as mentioned "Bamboo salt induced a significant decrease (~80%) in mRNA and protein expression".. the equivalent for human consumption was 4 grams a day (I think).


(I have to find again the other studies and effects I mentioned, also the phycocyanin)

Will send them when I do.


Another company that makes it is "K-lava"

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It seems to me that finding the molecular formula/signature of the bamboo salt then entering it into a frequency generator as B has discussed, can be just as effective as taking the actual substance!

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Interested in using this technique but not exactly how they do it. The audio recordings they have don't sound to pleasant. But the overall technique of the phase conjugation and encrypting/transmitting.

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They found that if you use a dual (two polarities, hard to find a laser like this) HeNe gas tube laser, directed it at a target, usually ones childhood photo it would phase conjugate with the individuals holographic signature, which they then had a radio reciever setup amd they recorded an audio file of this signature. Then they would modulate the laser with that audio track and could encrypt your signature into whatever. For example a supplement. But within this you could pick up the holographic signature of a supplement and do it the opposite way, transmit it to yourself, picture or blood/picture/saliva as the target. Many things to develop and experiment with this technique.

Peter Gariaevs work (died in 2020)


She talks about peters work here:


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Yeah whatever technique you use. Radionic board transfer or another method. Various scalar setups which were trying to find something most effective. It would effect the Holographic information field, so maybe a protocol of taking it. And finding it's resonant frequency (how exactly to do that accurately idk as dowsing methods could be biased).. one thing we've been looking into is wave genetics. (Not the wave genome site which continued peters work but seems they may be keying people into some quantum computer type thing they call a digital pharmacy)..

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deletedMay 5
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I've never had a headache from taking this even at the higher dosage levels.

This is my personal experience taking this black seed oil as well as the raw seeds.

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deletedMay 5
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I am sorry to hear that. I've never heard anyone say that before. Normally people just complain against the smell of garlic "e.g. you stink" type messaging.

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Hello girl!

Is the cilantro perhaps causing too great a metal detox? Maybe it would be wise to take a binder like activated coconut charcoal or apple pectin alongside it to mop up what the cilantro's detoxing?

I hope you're doing well.

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deletedMay 6
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Will send to your proton! :)

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