How does one create the healthy EMF signal?

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Log the biosignature of a medicinal tree or plant or root into a computer system through near-field scalar. Then scan-in a tissue or DNA sample of the person needing healing. Then transmit the biosignature profile of the medicinal tree(s), plant(s) and root(s) into the person. Utilize a sequence that alters between the various biosignatures for persistent state at a distance healing.

I've got one of the Russian scanners locked in to reverse engineer as well as one of the Chinese units to reverse engineer and apply through an experimental german kit to confirm TX and RX in America to address the new physics war that we're under.

The use of new physics when weaponized is equivalent to breaking into a house the night before you're about to spar with a fighter and breaking their arms before the fight. The nefarious use of new physics is cheap foul play that no respectful fighter, warrior or any street thug would appreciate someone doing to them. In fact this class of 5th/6th/7th generation weapons are so evil that no one on earth should encourage the evil/nefarious/adversarial use case of them. Healing and helping people is the only use case for this technology that should be permitted.

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So, is this computer system to a near field scalar something anyone can obtain? My favorite neighbor (and one of the few people who has stood by me during this shit show of torture by evil cowards that my children and I are enduring) has turbo cancer (got the COVID vaccine and boosters), I’d love to see if she can be saved too.

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It is not as as simple as it sounds, else others would have counter systems running today helping people out vs. someone like me having to independently reverse engineer the "electronic waterboarding" neuroweapon system(s) that people have built and automate with AI.

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I my thinking does anyone have anything that you all would recommend?????

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Based upon this defense hearing today, the groups that do are adversaries to freedom and democracy (e.g. our enemies). https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/neurohacking-431-homeland-security

Therefore, building a near-field system that people can economically access to address "Electronic Harassment"

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So this counter strike method? Can it be used to direct this back at the “men” torturing us?

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May 9·edited May 9Author

That is what our clinic will do. Extract the "seeds" receiving the near-field transmitters then plug them into a proprietary system and perform a return to signal transmit to return the favor.

The concept is to remove the "seeds" that have contaminated people having electronic harassment (one part of the adversarial use of what I call "Electronic Waterboarding") and after aggregation, we will have "seeds" linked to various terrorist groups and repressive authoritarian regimes to disrupt their systems by doing a recursive loop to out amplify their system and break it down so nobody can harm others.

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Other than cards from my kids, This is most beautiful thing I’ve ever read.

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