Jul 18Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

Funny as I chainsawed firewood today, blow downs on my trail. 4 hours intense workout! As I was sitting here I was feeling cramping so I immediately ate a banana and drank some high quality mineral sea salt and walla, feeling great. Then I go to Substack and you wrote this piece. I try to supplement my structured water, hydrogenated with an AquaCure machine that produces browns gas, with baking soda, tad of borax, sodium chlorite, and mms occasionally. Sparingly and when the need, by sixth sense calls.

Eating as you have posted, an alkaline diet, read Dr r Young book. Ph strips to check.

Struggling to get to 8.0, but still indulging with acidic sweetness occasionally, albeit much less.

Your stuff you write is very interesting.

I homesteaded here and built a metal pole home and to my surprise RF is nearly nil inside. I have a trifield meter. All grounding as weighted electric meter indicates near device, ceiling fan box fan and phones for sure tips high! I wish I could redo this project with what you want to endeavor and follow a non60 hz plan. Rambling, I hear you..


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Jul 18·edited Jul 19Author

Have you tried the switchbox down the line from the mains meter? The wire/cable runs of hundreds of feet on electrical grid (grounded) make them a perfect receiver for ELF psionic attacks from transmitters globally bouncing the signals off of the ionosphere. With one ELF transmitter and your neuron pattern, anyone with an ELF transmitter and AI system can mess with anyone else simply using the ionosphere to bounce a signal from one transmitter to cover 2/3 of the world (that number in decimal point format to two significant digits should tell you all you need to know about the nefarious use of psionics).

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Jul 18Liked by Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.

IF using bicarb of soda you must MAKE SURE ITS PURE the kind that is MINED not industrial byproduct , Real Salt , Himalayan , better SK

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Thank you. This is why (after doing some more research) "Did you know that salt is very rich in trace minerals and nourishing to the body? Trace minerals give salt a uniqueness in flavor. Bleached and chemicalized salt is absent of this satisfying taste." I've made sea salt before unintentionally :) regarding real salt, you mean sea salt? Himalayan (pink) has the algae/cyanobacteria that flamingo consume in it that gives it that pink color from my understanding. https://thebiblicalnutritionist.com/salt-in-the-bible/

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Furthermore, I know how much importance you place on the role of the grid system in the body-mind control by the Nefarium. Have you heard of the Lilly Wave? Discovered/created by researcher John Lilly, the Lilly Wave is a huge component of nefarious frequency delivery, especially in the power grid feeding every household.

Patrick Flanagan determined that adding a pink noise generator to the main service going in to the home can countervail the LW.

More here: https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/technology/the-lilly-wave-and-psychotronic-warfare/

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Hello Brandon.

Regarding the 60hz debacle, read this and see if there may be a way to reverse the hugely deleterious effect using scalar methods.


By Joel McClain

Alzheimer's Disease, as we all know, is a progressive, incurable, debilitating illness, characterized by confusion and memory loss.

It normally affects older persons, whose bones have begun to decalcify, and who have been found to have higher than normal amounts of aluminum in their brain cells.

From the research of Dr. H.S. Lewis in the 1930's, we have learned that the resonant frequency of calcium is 120Hz. Walter Russell, in his resonance based Periodic Chart of the Elements, has shown that elements occur as "notes" on an octave.

Research by Les Brown of Canada has shown that elements decay in quantum steps, from the same note on one octave to a lower octave. In other words, zinc decays into calcium, which decays into aluminum, and the resonant frequency drops accordingly, from 240Hz, to 120Hz, to 60Hz. This is shown on Russell's chart as the E note, going from octaves seven to six to five.

Various means of resonating an element can cause the quantum decay, as demonstrated by Les Brown. Resonantly exciting an element increases the motion, friction and heat of the atomic particles, pushing the element closer to decay.

Every electrical power cord that is plugged into a wall outlet, whether it is conducting current or not, is emitting a scalar wave of 120Hz, which is exactly double the frequency of the 60Hz wall current. All AC powered electrical appliances, power lines, televisions, computers, etc., emit the same 120Hz scalar wave.

The human brain, comprised of two halves, is a scalar receiver. It is possible that the naturally occurring decalcification process is being unnaturally affected by exposure to artificially created scalar energy, hastening the decay of calcium into aluminum. This would become the onset of Alzheimers Disease.

If this is true, then there is also a cure, a sort of "hair of the dog" analogy, via resonating the aluminum to hasten its decay. This would be done through creation of a 30Hz AC signal, emitting 60Hz scalar energy, to eliminate the aluminum.

The aluminum would become lithium, which has been shown to have the exact opposite effect as aluminum, ie, increased awareness, heightened memory, etc.

This would seem to have a double benefit, in that the 30Hz AC would encourage a Beta state to increase awareness, while the 60Hz scalar energy would help to reduce the aluminum in the cells.

I realize that there will be much opposition to this theory, as the 60Hz energy which we all use is so prevalent in our society. Because we have all been assured that it is "harmless" in normal radiation, we may not want to believe otherwise. We can at least begin to gather data, by asking the following questions:

1. Is the rate of Alzheimer's on a per capita basis the same, in both developed and undeveloped countries?

2. Is there any difference in the per capita rate between countries which use 60Hz current, and those who use 50Hz current?

3. Has the per capita rate of this country increased since the turn of the century, with the "electrification" of the nation?

4. Is the rate of occurrence greater in areas which have more energy "in the air", such as along power line routes, around generating stations, etc.

More research is needed, obviously, but I believe that the potential is promising.

Joel McClain, May 6, 1994

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Meter registered nil on weighted elec, but in mag mode at the green box it registered 15-18 mG, about 75-100’ from my home. next check was the actual farm panel, meter and both magnetic and electrical and RF registered basically Nil.

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milliG or microG?

Regarding the earth, when I studied at UNR-Wolfpack M.Sc./Ph.D. geosciences, geochemistry and geothermal with DOE (via recommendation and encouragement from Jefferson Tester now at Cornell University, prior MIT) - before deciding to startup Reactwell in lieu of a Ph.D the basin (e.g. dirt under your feet) has iron and other magnetic metals and minerals. Therefore it would be interesting to do a grid survey of the entire site say 10 ft spacings and determine your underlying magnetic profile of the site (the oil & gas crowd, mining crowd, church crowd and meditation crowd does this for siting their infrastructure) as the earth has various magnetic fields non-uniformly distributed and more important "fault" lines of magnetic field deltas that can also include going from a "+" basin to a "-" basin. You want to live on a "-" basin in a perfect world.

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I’m in the country 1000 feet back from the county road and they brought electricity to a green box which is about 100’ from the home- I think that is what you’re describing and I’ll let you know.

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