Brandon, went to a massage therapist who injected something in my leg but I didn’t realize it till the next day. While she worked on my back I felt tingling and I asked her why is my back tingling, she said just relax, then the went down to my legs and worked on them and my right leg began tp spasm and I got a Charlie horse, toes curled and again she said just relax.

Where can I get a treatment for this or how do I check for the fungus? This happened 1 month ago, I was weak, no energy, massive brain fog, lost 5 pounds. I was very healthy for a 72 yr old.

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Hello, Brandon;

Thank you for interesting and actionable post. I never had HBOT because for some people it facilitates cataracts. Do you have an opinion on this? Thanks.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Do I have an opinion regarding the cataract? No. Please show proof with data from a clincial trial that has controls. I do have proof though that staring into a cooking microwave in your kitchen results in cataracts. Don’t cook your food with microwaves, that machine shouldn’t even be in your kitchen.

Oxygen treatment is working for me and the use of HBOT and scaling it up for others to access at the 2.2 X ATM pressure range vs. the dirt cheap ChinaCCP 1.5 X ATM (that doesn’t kill their adversarial wetware) is my path forward. The use of oxygen overlaid with ozone and the near field and far field technology with chelators is the solution to triage this junk. Then utilizing an at a distance transmitter in near and far field to keep your body healthy once decontamination has been completed.

Anyone interested in support our clinic’s work with our first HBOT professional unit, please go here http://electrostasis.substack.com and get as many people to sign-up. The initial clinic will be in Gulf of Mexico region GoM with focus on wetware countermeasures, specifically.

I’ve seen way too many people from all nationalities harmed by these CCP weapons. One man lost his house. another man sold his house, only to have his funds stolen from bank account and PI at time clueless what happened to him, poor soul. I lost my wife (forced her to evacuate from me, till I could figure out what was killing me as I didn’t want her to get this wetware junk either, turns out it was the right call, thank God).

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