
Boy oh boy, Brandon, just when I thought your bona fides couldn’t get better, I learn about the extent of your knowledge and experience. You’re a well guy!

I’m on the Spooky2 Rife forum and have helped ignite and further the anti-nano cause. They’re a pretty reticent bunch, but I’m persisting!

I’ve shared your stack with them as well with regards what frequency sets your using, etc. Here’s a link to the thread with folks who are Rifing the nano to various degrees of success. The comments from the mods & users alike are pure gold.



On another topic, but related to well drilling, you might find this very interesting.

I reached out to a really interesting fellow who drills for something called Primary Water and geothermal all over the world, especially in areas determined to be “hopeless” like arid Africa and the Middle East. He has success story after success story in bring pristine water to many.

I had reached out to him to see if there was any way that he could think of to help those badly treated Idaho farmers get water on their land. Some very bad actors are trying to “dry them out” of some 800 square miles to access the extremely valuable cobalt deposits there. Funded by what? The latest Ukraine spending bill of all things. Cui bono? we must ask.


Anyway, here’s a link to the well fellow’s site and also some explaining about the concept of Primary Water.

Mark Burr interview: https://youtu.be/gGF7LlG3XDQ?si=QOCks3lKDd4CZU-K



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Cobalt is a national security concern for any given nation that depends upon it.

America is securing its' cobalt reserves, plain and simple. ChinaCCP is using divisiveness to sew unrest through propoganda and social media and cognitive warfare. Pitting locals against (as the private equity people call them, little people) against mining corps to sew unrest and halt a national security concern and project, that if it does not go through may jeopardize America's stability in the future. Everyone has an interest in national security for their given nation state, inclusive of locals. The issue is that the truth is very hard to find in the world today.



Thank you for the water well information, will check it out. If you go very deep, further than natural water aquifers, then you can access meteoric water from the earth's creation.

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