I have not seen anyone talking about IEEE 802.11BB, Li-Fi in the targeted circles. Will this technology impact what you are working on?

Last night about 3:30am an ominous sounding plane (engines that I have never heard before) flew in very low heading for the Charlotte airport. Tortured last night. I have no idea why or how I became a target of these programs.

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Any wireless spectrum protocol can be emulated with synthetic biology wetware and AI.

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Thank you so much Brandon. I had a dream on 4/22 when I started writing this I was thinking it was just a couple of days ago. I seem to be having trouble with time. In the dream, someone told me to look up. I saw planes flying west to east and east to west. The next day I picked up my partner from the Concord NC airport. A plane was at the private aviation section. It was the same as the planes in my dream. I looked up the plane it was a private jet for higher level military. In the dream there was someone telling me there is a little time left to escape.

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