Hi Brandon, I am new to your substack (by way of Sabrina) and am not at all tech savvy but am trying to understand what you are saying about the insane state of the world. Do you believe it's possible that certain people were targeted with the C19 weapon to reinforce the "Safe & Effective" psyop in the summer/fall of 2021 and beyond? It seems to me that an excessive number of people who were outspoken (esp on SM) in opposition to the injections and tried to warn others conveniently "died of CVD" in that time frame.

I believe my loved one and I were targeted in August 2021 and it ended tragically. At that time, before we became ill, I thought it was either just a psyop and there was no "novel virus" or it was just a normal flu-like virus from which most people recovered (as long as they did not go to hospitals). My loved one and I were the type who never got sick and I did not expect this to be any different, but it was. I did not get nearly as physically ill as she did, but my brain was not working properly and after a year and a half of researching to make sure "it" didn't happen to us, it was as though I forgot everything, almost like I was hacked. My heart is broken and I don't really even wish to live anymore.

I now believe "it" is caused by Nanotechnology and is far more sinister and complicated. There is a disgusting website sorryantivaxxer.com that mocks people who were outspoken on SM and then became ill and (in many cases) did not recover. The mantra there is "if only they'd gotten the shots it would've never happened...stupid antivaxxers" This just seems all too convenient to me, as though they were targeted for their SM posts to support the propaganda. In my case, it was family members who were screaming on SM because some of us were not taking the shots that I believe put a target on us and led to our tragedy.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Author

In 2016/2017 I gave science advisor to POTUS a tour of the work my team did in Los Angeles, CA USA in DTLA at an innovation campus (30,000 sq-ft) largest in America at the time. After providing John Holdren a tour, then was requested by City of Los Angeles and their associated LADWP Innovation Campus to provide a tour to a China CCP delegation where 30 or so of their state people were taking a bunch of photographs, etc. My role at the time was "Director of Engineering". During this tour and subsequent sponsorship acceptance of the site by China (not my role to make these decisions, I would have turned down ChinaCCP $$), is probably when I got 'bugged' and 'tagged" by ChinaCCP via their wetware spytech. Here is how that wetware spytech works (it is covert and grows over time, just requires a seed).

Within a year or two of the China CCP delegation campus visit the entire management team at the LADWP NGO affiliated Innovation Campus was changed over to a new management team. I think the ChinaCCP BRAIN initiative mapped out the people on the campus, then provided their AI BCPS system an attack and take over algo that enabled a new management team to enter and run the campus linked to ChinaCCP AI BCPS. Once you understand how "hyperwar" works and how covert it is this tech make sense. Else, you'll be gaslighted entirely. The new management team got very "edgy" every time me and another patriot of America mentioned DHS/FBI training for counter-espionage and random audits.

The super awesome Advanced Prototying Center for hard tech, hard science and deep tech/science entrepreneurs: https://laincubator.org/laci-announces-launch-of-advanced-prototyping-center-at-la-kretz-innovation-campus/

Also, Global Green (founded by: Mikhail Gorbachev) reached out to me in the 2010s for "recycling" so could have been added then as well, no telling. The tech is so covert and unless you get your blood checked and body scanned for wetware bugs no telling when you got bugged originally (noninvasive style).


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This neurowar started about a decade ago and our intelligence agencies and department of defense personnel have been attacked and mentally maimed by neuroweapons since at least 2013. In 2018/2019 it got a lot worse when ChinaCCP turned on their psionic weapon that generates ELF/Scalar Waves from low Hz up to 300 Hz or so and provides access to this platform to anyone that pays a fee. In parallel to the psionic weapon going online a satellite constellation was deployed that has SQUIDs on it that enable ChinaCCP coalition with a competing TAMI and MIND system that US:DOD/NSA/NATO/5 Eyes has had for decades. Further, ChinaCCP BRAIN initiative has developed neuroweapons to pierce NATO defenses and now everything is "hyperwar" enabled. People passing away and dying of blood clots are not integrating well with the synthetic biology. Some groups even made and sold a COVID Pandemic board game pre pandemic (let that one sink in). I've got access to one and will publish comments about it (did not have access to it until 2023).

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