How do you think the nano hips are interfaced with the neural network?

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

Please see Dr. David Nixon's website for nano wires, nano chips and interactions within tissue, located here: https://www.drdavidnixon.com

Regarding interfaced with neural network, requires electromagnetic spectrum to interface. Back in the day before global satellite networks were deployed that transmit signals globally, one had to have a local electromagnetic cloud to establish a neural network (wireless). Now, there is a global wireless space based and land based system for interfacing, in addition to local networks and smart devices. The standard is based on IPv6 and brainpools, which have been around for decades (brainpools). The difference now is that there is pervasive self-replicating nanotechnology and adversarial neurotechnology hardware produced by competing nation states, which results in neurowars, technically this warfare has been ongoing since 2013ish at nation state level between East and West.

This graduate thesis highlights that Neurowar is here and goes further into attack vectors, but doesn't go as deep as my posts on the technicalities due to secrecy, which I reverse engineered without signing any secrecy docs so am in the clear, even though pisses off ChinaCCP and possibly other IC (which are probably gas lighted by ChinaCCP NeuroStrike, so should be a positive to wake them up to the attack vectors). https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/AD1164923

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Thank you for your response. Strangely, I haven't been notified about it.

Let me clarify my question: I ask it and attempt to conjecture in the following article:


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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Author

Thank you. Just read. Here is response (also posted on your blog):

We're in neurowars. Part of neurowarfare involves 1) defensive system to detect that your people are being killed or cognitive impaired or adjusted 2) offensive system to either reprogram or take offline compromised population members that get neurohacked by the enemy and also to infiltrate the enemy's territory. How do you think the ChinaCCP generals filled up their missiles with water instead of proper fuel (they were cognitively neurohacked), we're in a neurowar.


1) Everyone has synthetic biology in them by now

2) People who use ChinaCCP coalition hardware (pipelines: neurotechnology) and software (Tik Tok, content, data flow) are subject to byte-based attacks that reprograms the synthetic biology inside of them (mesogens, graphenes and self-replicating nanotechnology). These people when near you are literally neurotechnology programmed to harm other people by transmitting several attacks via EMF and acutal nanotech.

a) Neuro S/T transverse waves that are harmful from their bodies/brain

b) Neuro S/T scalar waves that are harmful from their bodies/brain

c) codexes subliminally via EMF spectrum (efield, bfield) or acoustical (longitudinal wave) or vibrational

d) tagging you directly with their smartphones or getting you to consume Tik Tok screentime on their smartphone to optogenetically hack you (e.g. as simple as asking for directions somewhere, when you look at their smart phone, if compromised by ChinaCCP PLA Xi's Magic Weapon (Tik Tok and other apps and hardware).

e) nanotech transfer into you from their body to spread and tag ChinaCCP PLA AI BCPS "hooks" into you so that they can then grow and be further programmed when around ChinaCCP hardware (neurotech enabled) or people linked to ChinaCCP AI BCPS.

Feel free to check out my writing on this, due to primary experience defeating a ChinaCCP neuroweapon failed hit job. I do work for DoD, DoE and have helped IC.

For the actual mechanism - feel free to check out my publications on reverse engineering the AI BCPS to defeat a neuroweapon attack. Note, there are various technology readiness levels and systems in place, not all systems are XNA/DNA based.

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Is so scary what’s happening to this human race. A night mare really.😞

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thats old tech ... they want your d n a code , to directly controll you /us... dear good God please help us return to goodness and truth for all ...

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You can wireless scan someone's DNA using a field called radiobio and bioenergetics if you've got the tools of the trade. I don't like others messing with my God given DNA.

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Hi Brandon!

Didn’t you figure out a pretty viable way to spoof your bio signature? I’d have to sift through your hacks but in involved getting a baseline ekg or something. It was pure genius! 😀

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11Author

I'll add a specific post on bioinformatics with biomolecule information for bioenergetic scanning and reading and writing (e.g. the basic block and tackle method for this tech stack). On top of the biological there is also the synthetic biology now interwoven into the biological material, so the older "bioenergetic" scanning signatures are subject to an adulteration, via "cumulative" change over time (if the synthetic biology based networks are not disrupted, they continue to build over time).

On top of this is a synthetic biology based CODEX system. If you're not around any wifi or cellular devices or shielded from the space system global internet, then you can avoid the "synthetic biology based CODEX faux system" that can and is fooling a ton of people, but you won't be able to avoid the longitudinal wave:scalar based global system without further shielding (you've got more than one platform for redundancy running now, and that is just per a given nation state part of a given alliance or coalition).

Anyone can detect this "synthetic biology based CODEX faux system" with the use of EMF isolation, but at the same time if they have a ton of the synthetic biology already in the (most do by now), then they need to be extremely careful as the synthetic biology is charged and works with EMF and if you cut out the EMF then you cut off the energy to the synthetic biology keeping you alive, such that your body would have to successfully transition back to the biological based system for functionality, assuming it is still operational. Therefore, the synthetic biology, once fully integrated is near impossible to remove, because it is literally in, through and connected to you. XNA is the preferred route to link synthetic biology into or in parallel to your preexisting DNA.

Once it is in you fully, the synthetic biology overlay communicates with the environment around you, separate from your biological brain. This environmental attack vector with other synthetic biology enabled people linked to ChinaCCP coalition AI BCPS is how ChinaCCP PLA Xi "Magic Weapon" is stealing IP and information from America. It also enables anyone, neurotechnology aware, with an AI and BCPS expertise to reprogram and reroute (data-in-the-flow) information regarding a given person and to neurohack into them. This is why it is important to ensure your bio signature or synbio signature is not being spoofed or man-in-the-middled through data-in-the-flow based attacks. The AI BCPS, for civilians is a population control system, for MIL it is enhances performance and for those neuroaware and not properly shielded (e.g. it is a significant risk being around people linked to adversarial AI BCPS). The use of nonkinetic threat NKT weapons can pierce into "cyborg technologies" as stated here "US Army Cyborg Work AD1083010 - Neuroweapon Vulnerable".

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deletedJan 10
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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Author

Well, if you want to repair at the cellular level, check out my post on bioenergetics, it uses something called scalar waves that result in time reversal, because the scalar wave travels faster than the speed of light. Praying also helps as it links you through reading a codex, synthetic and God made. Humankind has figured out how to create a synthetic codex, so be mindful that there is an additional layer now, which by nature of humankind is fallen. When you read a codex (thought) or out loud there are different effects. When you read out loud to yourself, the longitudinal waves and coherence also results in additional effects, scientifically speaking this is all part of the field of bioenergetics. Spiritually and religiously speaking codexes have been around for a very long time, but knowledge of how they work has always been held close to the vest, for reasons one can imagine, if more people knew about codexes and how praying actually works, then more would pray.

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deletedJan 12
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Your response is a CODEX for people to read and get linked, it makes zero sense, but is a unique sequence of words. A lot of the posts online these days are CODEX based neurohacks into people with synthetic biology. What you read and consume, may literally help ChinaCCP coalition, by broadcasting a CODEX to their AI BCPS that then links you for an attack.

How to hack this type of CODEX attack with a counter measure? Read bits and pieces in a disorganized (forward and reverse fashion) to break the CODEX hook.

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deletedJan 9
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Self-replicating nanotechnology spreads within local environment based upon what you consume in your body and the neurotechnology enabled hardware within your local environment. What you think, watch, listen to becomes your reality with self-replicating nanotechnology and non-invasive brain machine interface niBMI. So for most of the world, if they get off from the internet, things get simple and local very fast, especially if ditch smart phone. If you're online, then you can get cognitively hacked via various attack structures from across the globe, based upon what you think.

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